Ryan Hoover

Girlboss - A new media site for woman, from Sophia Amoruso


Girlboss is a community of strong, curious, and ambitious women redefining success on our own terms. We hope to inform, entertain, and inspire action through the content and experiences we create. We are unapologetic in our beliefs and values of supporting girls and women who are chasing dreams both big and small in a shame-free, lame-free zone.

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Jenรฉe Jernigan
Had I not been aware of what happened with Sophia at Nasty Gal, I would like this site a lot more. Sophia "Girl Boss" did not make a great boss.
@jenee_jernigan what happened jenee?
Jenรฉe Jernigan
@oderau several lawsuits from employees, lay-offs, bankruptcy. Lots of saddening news on how not to run a company.
Elliot Volkman
@jenee_jernigan not to mention that there doesn't really appear to be anything unique about this.
Rally Stanoeva
@jenee_jernigan Yes, running a business is hard and founders make mistakes. I'm sure what she's learned a long the way would add up to a dozen MBAs. I've read her book and it was packed with insights.
Ryan Hoover
Nasty Gal founder, @sophiaamoruso, is building a new site and brand named after her book from 2014. Forbes just announced Girlboss' funding of $1.2M. Congrats, Sophia. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Adam Greenwald
@sophiaamoruso @rrhoover All built with Squarespace--even more impressive.
Ryan DiMascio
@sophiaamoruso @rrhoover @agreenwaldhq and using the free version of SumoMe. I'm surprised @noahkagan hasn't upsold her on KingSumo Giveaways for the launch.
David Adamu
This looks like a really great product. Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ @sophiaamoruso
Bill Loundy
Great looking site. Why don't the articles have comment sections?