Centralize and share knowledge, from start to ship
Alex Kaul

eBay MIND Patterns — Frontend coding patterns (and anti-patterns) by eBay.

Ryan Hoover
Cool to see the eBay team share their design-thinking, organized in a way that makes it easy to reference. @rklusas, you might love this.
@rrhoover @rklusas How do you even find these things?
León Hernández
@rrhoover Make you wonder why ebay is giving away knowledge that will serve to make better e-commerce sites (competitors). Don't get me wrong I think that is the kind of mentality the world needs, long live to open knoledge!
ely with machine
this is heady stuff, the work of dangerously smart people with clear intentions to ruin undisciplined design for everyone. #fairwarning
Niv Dror
Can you get this eBay book on Amazon? 🤔
Rakesh Patwari
I just took a quick glance at the contents, looks thorough and comprehensive. Great initiative by sharing it with the outside world, makes the design world a better place!
the bomb