Nicolas Santángelo

ShareAccount - Share your account without giving out your password

An open source chrome extension which shares your current session. It uses cryptography to ensure that only the recipient can decode the result. There are no servers involved

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Nadia Faya

In the back it uses private/public key encryption, so it's super safe and you know that you'll only share your account with a particular person, no hacking possibilities :)


Awesome extensions to share accounts with your partner or family without compromising your passwords. Netflix, Facebook, whatev, super safe!


No complaints

Martin Meany
Is this more secure than AccessURL? I think that worked on Cookies.
Nicolas Santángelo
@goos3d_ie I'm not entirely sure how AccessURL worked. What I can you tell is that because there is no central database holding the sessions and no way that some other party, other than the code owner, can decrypt the session, it's pretty safe. That said, it's still cookies :( so it's not 100% foolproof. I wouldn't share anything without trusting the other party.
Nitesh Manav
Just used it. Not sure about how AccessURL works but this is damn amazing. Thank you @devolino :) Few things: How it actually works by the way? Will it remain free forever? What is the maximum time ( like one month or one year) that I can share the account? Does it work only for the live session ( means the time till my computer is on and connected to internet)? What if I close my computer and open it again? Suppose I share my Facebook account with someone in another country. Will it give a red flag to the Facebook as how somebody can move from India to USA and hence can lock my account or ask me to pass security test etc.? Would love to know how it plays in the background. I mean will it be considered to be accessed from the same IP or different? Is there any known limitation? ( in terms of the site that I can share or anything else) One last question. though I see 250+ upvotes here but why does it it show only 2 users on the chrome extension store? Is there any otherway too, to download this. Just asking out of curiosity. :) Thank you so much.
Nicolas Santángelo
@niteshmanav Hey there, thanks so much! > How it actually works by the way? When you click share the extension first gathers up the essential cookies of the site you have open. It then applies an expiration time (if you set a timeout). Lastly it uses Private and Public keys ( to encrypt it in such a way that only the owner of the code you received can decrypt it. When you get an encrypted account, it works backwards. It first decrypts the cookies and then it applies them to a new tab. It's an oversimplification but it's not much more to it than that! you can see the code on the GitHub page if you like. > Will it remain free forever? Yup! I made it for fun and you can remix it and re-publish it if you want. > What is the maximum time ( like one month or one year) that I can share the account? Does it work only for the live session ( means the time till my computer is on and connected to internet)? What if I close my computer and open it again? There's no real maximum time, that said the account might expire before that (for example if you log out on your end). You can close your computer with no repercussions! Once the sharing flow is complete and the receiver pressed RECEIVE, the extension steps aside for the webiste to manage the account, so it works as if you had logged in in that computer. > Suppose I share my Facebook account with someone in another country. Will it give a red flag to the Facebook as how somebody can move from India to USA and hence can lock my account or ask me to pass security test etc.? Would love to know how it plays in the background. I mean will it be considered to be accessed from the same IP or different? It's a different IP, so depending on how Facebook handles Country detection it might trigger something. I _think_ most checks are made on the logging process, so it should be fine if that's the case, but I can't say for sure. > Is there any known limitation? ( in terms of the site that I can share or anything else) Not really, but I woudn't say it's foolproof. The process of actually sharing the account it's pretty simple, it's just "lending" cookies, but some problems might arise with IP detection as you mentioned with the Facebook case. > One last question. though I see 250+ upvotes here but why does it it show only 2 users on the chrome extension store? Is there any otherway too, to download this. Just asking out of curiosity. :) You could download the source code from GitHub and install it yourself, but the Webstore is the "official" way. The problem with chrome store info is that it's notoriously bad when it comes to counters (it's on 50 downloads right now). I've been experiencing similar issues with another extension I made ( ), where the installs stop counting for certain days. Hope it picks up! I hope I answered most of it!
Nitesh Manav
@devolino Thank you so much for such a detailed answer. You resolved many of my queries. Just checked your "Hangouts Notifications" extension which is a pretty popular extension out there. Thank you so much for making this. Regards.
Super neat idea! Great work Nicolas!
Honey Raj Varma
@devolino how is this different from what accessurl was trying to do?
Nicolas Santángelo
@raj_ventures the main difference is that there's no server between the sender and the receiver of the account. Other that that, I think they're really similar, but to be honest I've never used AccessURL so I might be missing more details.
Ivan  Novakow

Good Content costs some money h!


Good Content costs some money h!


Good Content costs some money h!

Ktryn Dchrs
What an awesome concept! Perfect for many uses like Amazon Prime, Spotify, Netflix, etc.