@erickbarron86 Github already has Pro and Enterprise services, so how is this going against their current brand? You can embrace and facilitate open source while still being a for-profit entity.
If you're wondering how to get on the Marketplace, check out our docs on that here: https://developer.github.com/app....
We're super excited to get more developer tools listed and working with the newest versions of our API built atop of GraphQL.
@chobberoni SMART. Reminds me of Heroku Add-Ons. I generally use them first since it's easier to buy/setup & linked to an account I already use.
I'm already happy when dev tools allow me to login with GitHub. So paying through github seems like natural move.
Excited to see this one grow.
Am I the only one who thinks the "25% revenue share" github takes is a bit too much? I love the idea of the github marketplace, but 25% seems a bit much for what is essentially a list of websites with github integration.
As a side note, you should always check the prices on the services themselves. You might get a better deal if you pay annually.
Awesome new tool—the order process looks super smooth.
I must say though, I'm disappointed she wasn't weaving her Github contributions panel. I was misled to think it was this, and then it was merely the logo.
GitHub Marketplace reminds me of what Glitch is doing to create community, but for the paid space. I hope in the future, you can directly talk to the marketplace product teams via GitHub.
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