Aaron O'Leary

GitHub Sponsors - Get paid to build what you love on GitHub

Connect with the community that depends on your work.
Receive recurring funds to build our shared digital infrastructure.

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Ryan Hoover
Glad to see GitHub experimenting with this. This also ties into their seemingly increased focus on community.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Such a great way to support the open-source community πŸ™Œ
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
Huuuuge! I like it. Curious to know what OpenCollective CEO think about it
Aaron O'Leary
Woah this is huge news! Such a welcome addition to Github, now you can potentially get paid for pursuing your code side-passion
tom meagher
you can build a meaningful business by verticalizing patreon AND building it in to where "fans" hang out. opencollective, good. github sponsors, better. github is waiving fees and matching up to $5k for the first year.
Agusti Fernandez Pardo
Lol, this is a note of minne from yesterday, seems github got there first, I'm glad I didn't start coding: What if GitHub Stars = Money Problem? I might want to give back to open source, but I’m too ignorant or lazy to actually do it. Create an indie platform that lets you create a one time or subscription donation to all your GitHub innteractions based on Stars, issues open, etc… If I have 1000 Stars and donate 100 dollars, each repo would get 10 cents, if 10 more people have starred the same repo than I have, the repo owner would get 1 dollar. So if she or he has 1000 stars, that’d mean she or he gets 100$ Stars are not so meaningless anymore. After first donation to a new repo, open an issue encouraging to get to minimum payout amount faster by pushing a badge into readme as a PR.
Hadi Farnoud
Congrats Nadia and entire GitHub team! this is a big deal
Nadia Eghbal
Top Product
@hadifarnoud Thank you, but I can't take credit for this one! I'm just cheering on the sidelines these days :) GitHub Sponsors was 1000% the work of @devonzuegel and everyone in this thread: https://twitter.com/katfukui/sta...
Atta ⚑️
A great news for open-source community πŸ‘ Wondering how it gonna affect OpenCollective πŸ€”
Antkowicz Darek
Seems like a big step for open source community. I was wondering how some people get sponsored for their open source work. Hope to see this as a way to make it easier both to understand and actually achieve.
Chris Germano
Fantastic idea, I wish it great success and wide adoption
Nathan Maas
This is truly spectacular @nayafia @mcolyer and team!
John Edgar
Absolutely absolutely absolutely amazing. Great work.
Kishish Law Group
This wonderful. OSS is critical to many large and small businesses and having another proper channel like this to support and encourage improvements is big. Nice work Github.
Gintaras Vaitkus
Perfect move, and it's even zero fees! It's gonna be really big thing for open-source community, congrats!
Jourdan Bul-lalayao
Wow looking forward to this!
Ahmad Awais ⚑
βœ… Finally! This was truly missing. FOSS support is super-duper hard to get by. You know what, I am going to apply right away. πŸ‘
Dineshprabu S
I hope this would supply enough oxygen to quality opensource projects. Great work Github. Thanks for sharing it @
Great news for the open-source community! Glad to see GitHub advancing the OSS ecosystem and trying to make OSS development sustainable.
Thiago Sardim
Not sure how i feel about it, i dont want github to turn into some kind of marketplace :/