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Joana Sala i Ferrer

Tsunami Democràtic App — A platform for coordination of peaceful civil disobedience.

Tsunami Democràtic App - A platform for coordination of peaceful civil disobedience actions. Citizens can share their availability, resources and aproximate location to help coordinate civil disobedience actions and achieve change faster.
Pedro J. Martínez
Please, read all the comments here. They're hiding/flagging the comments which disagree with their opinion.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@inthe0n Hi Pedro, nobody is hidings/flagging your comments other than ProductHunt's algorithms. I have replied and thanked you for your comment below. Happy to answer any questions you might have about product and technology.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
Hi, Product Hunt! 👋🏻 We are hundreds of thousands of citizens from Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) based in Catalonia. We're excited to start sharing this first version of our Android App and getting your feedback. While technology has made our lives easier and more manageable in many ways, it is just in the last couple of years that we have seen its impact in helping citizens organize protests around causes to achieve change faster. Looking at hundreds of campaigns over the last century, Erica Chenoweth, a political scientist at Harvard University, found that nonviolent campaigns are twice as likely to achieve their goals as violent campaigns. She has shown that it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change. Over the past few months, we’ve been building a set of civic technology tools to empower citizens to organize more efficiently and achieve change faster. This week we’ve launched and tested the first version of our Android app. It has successfully helped tens of thousands of Catalans to protest by blocking the Pyrenees border highway with concerts, dinners, and camps. Join us as we build and test #civictech in Catalonia to empower its citizens to protest peacefully and effectively towards change. Happy to answer any questions you might have!
Tania Esteve Head
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga Hola Manolo! (porque obviamente Joana no es tu nombre auténtico y la foto parece sacada de un catálogo de moda, lo cual es comprensible dado que hay en curso una investigación judicial). Llamar cívica a esta aplicación, destinada a colapsar la vida diaria de los catalanes debe ser una broma. Saludos!
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga @taniahead12 Tu comentario tampoco contaria, por tu foto como mínimo te has comido a una persona. No vale el 2 x 1
Tania Esteve Head
@xussof_x no tengas miedo a los gordos. En general son buena gente y no joroban la vida a los demás.
antoni borrut
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga @taniahead12 No tan graciosa ni tan maloliente como la farsa en que se ha convertido el régimen del 78 con "UVE PALITO" al frente. Que te indignen acciones para llamar la atención con el fin de que la gente se dé cuenta de la injustícia, y quedarse quietecito ante ERE's GURTEL',s atraco del fondo de pensiones, y cientos de tropelías más, demuestra el grado de castración de la mayoría de españoles.
Tania Esteve Head
@xussof_x ¿quién te dice que no la he probado, lumbreras?
Arnau Orriols
Taking advantage of technology and the network limitless resources to protest against injustices in a non-violent way. There are some things that must be changed regarding users privacy, for example. And why not make it open source? But the idea behind is brilliant. Power to the people! ... be water my friend
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@arnauorriols_ Hi Arnau, thank you for your comment! Regarding privacy the permissions required are camera and location. Camara is used only to be able to scan the QR code and can be deactivated once you have activated the Tsunami App. Location is needed to be able to coordinate citizens and locations. Location is always sent as an approximate anonymized location not precise. There is no other data used or required to use the App or service. The goal is to make it open source. As you have probably read, there have been some public threats from some Spanish government officials about incarcerating developers of this App so we'v had to take some additional precautions before open source the code. Hopefully soon.
Ralph Poteus
Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this product, specially as a decentralization advocate. Complete lack of transparency combined with a potentially massive mobilization power. No source code available and users should grant location and mic permission. All collected data can be then used by an unknown group of administrators providing them instructions about the actions they have to carry out. In practice, a tool to build a human botnet... very scary
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@ralphpoteus Thank you for your comment! I understand your concerns. Our goal is to make it open source as soon as we can. We would have done it earlier but as you may know there have been some Spanish government officials who have threatened to incarcerate developers working on this App and therefore there are some precautions to be taken. Regarding data collection, we are not collecting any data. The whole point of the App is to be decentralized and anonymous. Camara access is required to scan the QR code to activate it and can be disabled after. Location access is asked to be able to help with the mobilization of citizens. Location is always anonymized before it is shared with the platform. I hope you can give it a try soon!
Montserrat Batlló
I would. It makes the organisation of our demonstrations quicker, well coordinated, flexible and more efficient. A great app.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@montbatcol Montserrat, thank you for recommending the App. Yes, the main goal is to help empower citizens and achieve change faster.
Arnau Rius
New tech for new era of peaceful human rights protests. It was a matter of time that tech would be central to stop injustice.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@arn12345 Thank you for your comment Arnau! Yes, we agree that technology will be key in helping achieve change faster from protests and demonstrations. A few years ago we saw how social media was key in global movements to achieve more democracy in certain countries. As social media has been censored and used against citizens we think we'll see more hard-to-censor technology products being used by mobilized citizens.
Just a right tool. One that is simple to use and reliable. It combines the best of it cience and the old mouth to mouth safety spreading within the community that is build for. Very, very excited by what the near future holds for us.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@joel_guitart Thank you for your comment Joel!
Miquel Angel Rodriguez Arias
When the violence of the establishment and old-fashioned states is used sistematically against citizens that only claim to apply basic human rights, then you are morally obliged to stand up and react. If not you are following a path to XXIst century slavery and oblivion. Tsunami is a technology and a tool to raise non-violently in defense of human rights
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@miquel_angel_rodriguez_arias Thank you for your comment Miquel. Yes, we think that civic technology product like these we'll be more prominent in global situations like we've seen in Chile, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Nicaragua, France and Spain.
Bernat Morgades 🎗
The goverment controls people even using laws to record our movements, so it’s great having an encrypted app to coordinate our paceful and civic actions.
Mònica enamorada de catalunya💛🎗🌊
Hi, I used the application, it has been very useful. When I left I was informed of the different actions that were carried out in other places. I am waiting for new actions. Thank you for making it possible
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@monicamfslj Thank you Monica for sharing your experience and being one of the first engaged citizens to use it! More actions coming soon!
Marc Francesch Camps
While Spain is just able to use police force against democratic aspirations, technology is helping people to organize themselves against repression and persecution.
David Valverde
Tsunami Democratic app is the best way to force spaniah fascist state to sit and talk! Spanish represion against disidence was heavier everytime! This app helps us to organize pacific and effective protests against repression!
Great App! It's very useful and it let you to recieve messatges quickly. It's important because spanish state spies our activity in Internet and could close Webs, APPs or whatever they think contains information that are not same believes of the spanish goverment
Mónica Carratalá
I like the app but I haven't been able to use it since I live in Malaga and I never got the QR code 😔
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@monica_70 Hi Monica, Thank you for your comment and support! I am sorry you haven't been able to use the Tsunami App yet. Right now usage is limited to a few territories. We are thinking of other ways for citizens to contribute even if out of the initial territories.
Anand Torrents Alcaraz
This is a state of the art platform that is devised to combine face to face as well as online user interaction. What is most amazing about it for me is that while Tsunami aims to social transformation, it also creates a human net based on interpersonal trust and empathy in defense of human and pitical rights. So, what you share on it with other users has local and global impact both. Each user is a drop, all users are the Tsunami.
Anand Torrents Alcaraz
Tsunami democràtic is an app that combines face to face interaction with an online shared working style in defense of fundamental rights. Each user is a drop, all users together (thousands of us in Catalonia and in other countries) are the Tsunami. This type of application operates based on human trust and one to one contact, since you can operate it only by obtaining a qr code from somebody tou trust. Humanizing grassroots politics and organizations is the best way to neywork against fascist policies of states such as Spain, that seem so foreign to XXIst century values of constructive dialogue and negotiation. Spain, sit and talk or the Tsunami will go on!
FoPo Pau
This is a great communication tool for being aware of important international and catalan political news. It's also a proactive app against nondemocratic countries acts
Best app ever to empower people against an entire state repression where a political discussion is banned from a fake democracy.
Lluís Riba
Any soul who wants to be free in a peaceful way needs tools which are out of governments control and/or censorship. Such is the case with our catalan nation. We need the social movement and the app "Tsunami Democràtic" (@tsunami_dem) for our minds not to be controlled by the polytical establishment.
David Valverde
tsunami app is a good way to organize a massive peaceful civil desobedience protests against fascist spanish repression!