Anil Dash

Glitch for Platforms - Tools to measure and improve developer adoption of your API.


Glitch for Platforms is the tools you need to measure and improve developer adoption of your API.

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David Cole
If you have an API, and want to make it easy as heck for people to try it, Glitch for Platforms is a fantastic solution. We've been using it at Wistia ( to help folks get started with our Player API and such, and love it. (Not to mention using it in our own prototyping and troubleshooting, which it's also excellent for!)
Gareth Wilson
Launching soon!
@mrdavidjcole Thanks for the kind words Dave! We created Glitch for Platforms because Developer Relations is such a vital part in helping people work with and succeed with APIs, but so much of the industry still treats it like an afterthought. Thankfully, innovative companies like Slack, Facebook, Botkit, Algolia and of course, Wistia, are using our range of tools that help everyone who does Dev Rel.
North McCormick

It was love at first site.

Glitch really is an amazing place to build, prototype, and learn. It is extremely powerful despite the retro feel. Don't be fooled, it can probably do what you want it to do, and then some.

I am excited to keep learning and building out projects on Glitch. I hope others can too.


Incredibly fast prototyping and learning


Nothing comes to mind

Josh Dzielak
The Algolia DevRel team is super excited for Glitch! There isn't a place in our dev funnel we haven't thought about using it yet. Big props to the Glitch team who has consistently impressed us with how fast they're building product and how attentive they are to our requests. The bar for great API developer experience is about to leap forward.
Benjamin Southworth
Huge fan of Glitch, super interesting product, wonderful vibe and so much value for anyone who wants to code, or those of us who hate dev environments.
Gareth Wilson
Launching soon!
@inthecompanyof Thanks Ben, great to hear you like it. It means a lot.
Peter Swimm

Glitch is used everyday by the Botkit team - we love it!


Easy to use! Lots of great feedback from users!


Could be more production ready for small users, github sync could be better

Paige Paquette
I <3 Glitch - so useful. Congrats on the launch!
Ben Brown
Top Product

We integrate with Glitch so that people can use Botkit without understanding how to set up hosting, dns, SSL, and other jargony, complicated stuff. It is super easy to integrate with, provides a great experience for users, and is also FUN!


Great integration of hosting, editing and sharing features


No official support (yet) for custom DNS

Dan Zhao
Haha I love the website design! Any cool examples of remixes?
Gareth Wilson
Launching soon!
@dzhao Thanks! Yes, for sure. My personal favorite is!/twitt..., a template for making Twitter bots, which was remixed by Reyner to make a handy tool for viewing tweetstorms (!/tweet...), which was then remixed to create!/bitly..., a tool to get the click stats from tweets when it was discovered that Trump was using a free account. But there are plenty more on our community site:
Jess Lee

Super low barrier and accessible.


Great way to prototype and fun way to learn



Nicolas Grenié
Glitch is definitively the tool that will help API companies driving more engagement from developers. Tutorials and Getting Started guides will now be interactive. Webinars or workshop will be collaborative, it will be easy to follow how the audience is making progress. I wrote a blog post about it few months ago, and how it could change the DevRel jobs.
Abhilash Jain
Pretty cool
Reminds me a lot about JSBIN (which I've used a lot to show people javascript/html/css PoC) by @rem