Ben Lang

Glitter AI - Turn any process into a step-by-step guide

Top Product

Create written documentation just by speaking! Skip the endless Zooms to explain stuff to co-workers or customers. Glitter AI turns your mouse clicks + voice into a beautiful written guide complete with screenshots + text that you can easily edit and share.

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Ben Lang
Top Product
Neat product Yuval! Looks very easy to use. Also, love the name.
Yuval Karmi
@benln thank you so much for hunting! I'm stoked for this launch :)
Yuval Karmi
Hey everyone 👋 Yuval here, I'm the maker of Glitter AI. Today I'm both excited AND nervous to launch on Product Hunt - I've been working on this baby for close to a year, so pushing the "go live" button is kind of a big deal! The story behind Glitter AI is very personal: ❌ I REALLY suffered as CEO of my last startup. A lot of came down to being a perfectionist + not knowing how to delegate. I wanted to make sure things were done "right" so I just... did them myself 🤦‍♀️ Over time, I learned that this was a bad idea. The correct approach was to document ➡️ then delegate. But creating documentation takes A LOT of time. With Glitter AI, I hope to free up a ton of time for busy managers like me. I wish I had this years ago. Here's how Glitter AI works: ✅ Go through your process normally, but explain what you're doing *out loud* ✅ Glitter AI listens to you, takes screenshots, and turns everything into a written guide ✅ You can then edit and share this guide with your co-workers, customers, and even your mom :) In my opinion, this is BETTER than Loom for this use-case. Here's why: 1️⃣ There's no need to start over 5 times before you "get it right" 2️⃣ When a process changes, you just edit it in seconds 3️⃣ The person you're creating the guide for doesn't need to constantly "pause and resume" a video I seriously hope this hits home other busy managers. It sure does for me :) 🎁 Bonus: I love Product Hunt, so I'm heavily discounting all paid plans for the next 48 hours: Use coupon code WELOVEPH50 to save 50% FOREVER - this expires in 48 hours. Anyway, I'm here all day to answer your questions and chat with the community! 🎉 Can't wait to see what you do with Glitter AI ❤️
Naama Oren
@yuvalkarmi This is going to be a gamechanger for me as a content expert. I have so many ways to use this, and I know already it will slash my time spent on documenting and 100% boost my productivity
Mark Toubman
@yuvalkarmi really cool, thanks for sharing your story & product! very clear use case for marketing teams at big organizations.
Yuval Karmi
@deshraj_singh thanks so much man! I really appreciate it, it has been a VERY sleepless night lol but I'm glad to have gotten some more glitter into the world :P
Yuval Karmi
@naama_oren omg thank you so much naama. i'd love to get your feedback on it as you test it out :)
Yuval Karmi
@mark_toubman1 thanks so much mark! interestingly, this is one of the main use cases I was thinking of as I was building this (marketing teams) because the marketing software stack is just absolutely giant. would be really curious to see how you use it. if you do, please do drop me a line at - I'd love to hear from you :)
Tom Granot
I run - a technical video as a service thingie. A (very) common request is "can you make a blog post out of this tutorial?". I'm like, yeah, sure - we can do that. A tutorial video is, by design, very tutorial-y! This Glitter thing is kind of like a full automation for this part of my business. I tried it, and with very minor modifications to my existing process it - just - works. Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for building this brother!
Yuval Karmi
@tom_granot1 omg this is incredible! thank you SO much for posting this piece of feedback. This is probably hands-down the most useful use-case for it so far, and I'm excited to explore it further :) Can't wait to sync with you live!
Anna Hanusová
This looks really cool, I can imagine it can save so much work with explaining things. Good luck guys!
Yuval Karmi
@anna_hanusova thanks Anna! Really really excited for this launch :) If you have any feedback, feel free to send it directly - I reply to everything personally:
Congrats on the launch :) I have also video tutorials i wish i can convert directly to blog post or help center docs, this seems like a very good and practical use case !
Yuval Karmi
@abdellah_abbous omg wow. This use case that you bring up keeps on coming up! noted the product feedback and will ping you directly for updated. mind shooting an email over to so I have your contact info?
Rogue London
If I could give you 500 upvotes I would. From free trial to upgrade in 10 minutes. Easy peasy onboarding. Great user experience. Inclusive product for the neurospicy community. Love the transcription cutting out and correcting my stuttering and lack of articulation. Completely different to your competitors. NOT ONE BUG. And my kid now wants his own account. I have joined the Glitterati. I don't know you @yuvalkarmi but well done!
Yuval Karmi
@iamroguelondon Rogue thank you SO much for the very, very kind feedback, both in this comment as well as through our chat later. I'm stoked that you're finding this helpful, and hope that your kid actually did try to create a guide with Glitter (if he did, would you be willing to send it to me?). REALLY appreciate all that you said, and ALSO the term "Glitterati" - absolutely amazing haha <3
Cara Katzew
I cannot count how many zoom calls or meetings I’ve had to take on to teach a colleague or employee how to use a technical tool or platform. This the ultimate delegation solution and excellent example of AI at work!
Yuval Karmi
@carayael Thank you so much Cara! That's a real pain, and I felt it myself... so happy to be part of the solution <3
Anastasiia Stepko
Congratulations on the launch of Glitter AI, Yuval! Can you elaborate on the benefits of using Glitter AI over other similar tools like Loom?
Yuval Karmi
@anastasiia_stepko yep yep! so I actually LOVE loom. I think it's a great tool for many use cases. But here's why Glitter AI is better for the process documentation use case (at least in my opinion): 1. There's no need to start over 5 times before you "get it right" 2. When a process changes, you just edit it in seconds - no need to re-record a video 3. The person you're creating the guide for doesn't need to constantly "pause and resume" a video - so it's easier to follow. Would love to answer any other questions!
Anastasiia Stepko
@yuvalkarmi Yuval, many thanks for the answers! Actually, the first 2 points are game-changers! Will give Glitter AI a try!
Justin Klein
Just wanted to send some love to a deserved sw product. Glitter knows what it is and does it very well. More importantly Glitter knows what it is not. That is what makes it a legit 10x or even an 11X tool. Ive tried every tool under the sun to optimize training, demos, handoff. I dreaded their bloated interfaces. I dreaded having to waste a bunch of time making a video to hand off a simple task Recording a video. Re-recording a video. Re-re-re recording. Editing. Do I sound stupid? You get the point. The result was most videos were never made. Many tasks were not handed off. Glitter crushes this problem. Simple task? Complex task. Doesn’t matter. Me and my stupid voice stumble our way through a demo, training .. you name it. No practices. No editing. Glitter ingests and what it spits out is magical. 27 out of 28 times it’s 100% perfect and needs no editing. 1 of 28 times I tweak the output in 1 min and bam my Glitter PDF is blasting its way through Slack and enabling my team. The friction is gone. Glitter is not a software product. It is a frictionless extension of my will.
Yuval Karmi
@jstklein omg justin lolololol. i'm dying. so no, you guys, justin didn't use AI to write this comment - this is this dear friend's actual experience + hilarious writing style that you're experiencing here. I super duper appreciate you taking the time to write this out 😂 love you dude!
congrats on the launch! the official website just presents how to use it very clearly. I am wondering how AI plays an role in Glitter AI?
Yuval Karmi
@morrisz thanks morris! great question, and I'm going to give you a silly answer and an actual answer. the silly answer, as in the video i made about a month ago (link below) is that basically all startups are now "AI" startups by virtue of making an API call to OpenAI and calling themselves "[startup name] AI"... and i'm equally guilty of this lol. the actual answer is that a couple of things happen when you create a guide that happen with actual AI behind the scenes (be it more traditional neural networks or LLMs): 1️⃣ Your voice (what you say) is timestamped and transcribed 2️⃣ The transcription gets corrected so that your "ums" and "oops" utterances are filtered out, and grammar is fixed 3️⃣ From steps 1+2, an article is built, complete with a matching title, subtitle, content, and steps-in-between, all of which from simply clicking and talking I hope this answers the question! Here's the link to my silly video making fun of ALL new "AI" startups, mine included:
🤔 Glitter AI looks like an interesting tool for streamlining documentation and training processes. The ability to convert voice and mouse clicks into a step-by-step guide could save a lot of time and effort. But I wonder if it can be embedded into a webpage for user guidance?
Yuval Karmi
@jaredl hey Jared! It sure can. You can put Glitter AI guides inside of an iframe (as you see on the home page of the website -- that's actually an iframe embed of a guide). I'm going to make an easier interface for it soon. Where were you thinking of embedding it? Also, if you're willing, drop me a quick line over at and we can continue the convo there. Would love to hear from you :)
Aman Wen
Just hit the upvote. How accurate is it with technical jargon or industry-specific terms? And just one more thing, about the editing part - does it handle edits smoothly?
Yuval Karmi
@aman_wen great question - it's as accurate the Whisper API is :) And in case it gets something wrong, absolutely everything is editable like a Notion doc.
Amos Nesher
I tried the product. Brilliant service. Simple and cool. It can help me sync my team on specific scenarios and guide customers. Good luck!
Yuval Karmi
@amos_nesher Thank you so much Amos! It's been super great to have you as an early beta tester!
Trent Kennelly
Absolutely in love with this! Really slick and well put together. Looks like Loom, but absolutely isn't. Amazing work, team!! 👏
Yuval Karmi
@trent_kennelly Ha thanks Trent! I REALLY appreciate you trying it out. As specific feedback comes up, please send it my way - at
Yair Kivaiko
Yuval Karmi
@kobaiko Thank you SO much Yair! :) Love getting feedback like this. Also, if you have PRODUCT feedback, do send it my way :), or ping me on Whatsapp.
Yair Kivaiko
@yuvalkarmi I love how simple it is and the integration of the voice transcription is such a cool concept. I used similar products, but this looks like a winner. Will use it in the real world and circle back with feedback for sure. Good luck!
Yuval Karmi
@kobaiko sounds really good! yep yep, it made no sense to me that you couldn't capture the context of what you were doing via voice as you were recording... and now you can :) thanks for taking the time!
Ritesh Saini
I kept waiting for the part in the video where Yuval mentions “you can also export it to WordPress or Google Docs with a single click” lol. I wish it had that feature.
Yuval Karmi
@itsritesh Ritesh thanks so much for the feedback :) Integrations are one of the most requested features and it is coming soon. Do you mind sending me a quick email at so I have yours? I'm going to let you know when this feature is out.
Ghost Kitty
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Yuval Karmi
@nimrodpriell haha wanna hear something pretty hilarious? one of the FIRST people ever to get such a guide in very early versions of this tool was my mom... so YES :)
Biana Kleyner
Amazing product! looks super useful and time saving! love the name 🏆✨
Yuval Karmi
@biana_klnr thanks girllll. As someone who's tried the product already (and created a long tutorial on using ChatGPT) i hope you continue making serious + silly things with it <3
Biana Kleyner
@yuvalkarmi Absolutely! I can see how I'm incorporating it in my next product documentation/sales efforts, kudos on your hard work!
Yuval Karmi
@biana_klnr sweet! LOVE hearing that :)
Shushant Lakhyani
This would be helpful for remote teams
Yuval Karmi
@shushant_lakhyani that's a huge part of it. thanks for recognizing that use-case :)
Max Kamyshev
I'm genuinely impressed by the idea to create written documentation just by speaking. As someone who often struggles with the tedious task of creating detailed guides, Glitter AI feels like a real help. I'm excited to try and see how much time this can save and how it can improve our internal workflows. Congratulations on your launch! 🚀
Yuval Karmi
@max_kamyshev amazing. please let me know if you do try it, I'd love to get your feedback on it. you can email me directly at