Max Levchin

Glow Baby - An app for baby’s first year development


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Max Levchin
Our team at Glow is really excited to launch Glow Baby--an app for tracking baby’s first year growth and development. Following in the footsteps of our company’s Eve by Glow, Glow, and Glow Nurture apps, Glow Baby provides personalized, data-driven insights, real-time tracking and critical information for new parents. Women who graduate from our Glow fertility app and Glow Nurture pregnancy app have been asking about what’s next, and we’re pleased that we can finally deliver an app experience for new parents to track their baby’s health! We look forward hearing everyone’s feedback and thoughts on our product. Go ahead and drop us a line. Thanks, Max
Justin Thorp
@mlevchin As a parent, have found the apple watch to be SUPER helpful. It's helpful from a psychological prospective (don't want to have my kid see me on my phone all the time) and practically (it's just easier when you're on the floor). Any plans for Apple Watch support? Might actually be a deal breaker for our next kid.
Brad Holden
@mlevchin Looks pretty cool. Do you guys have an option/setting for twins?
Avi Muchnick
@mlevchin exciting - and love the vision of continuing to track data from conception through development.
@holdenbrad looks like you can add multiple babies.
Max Levchin
@thorpus It’s a great idea! We started with the mobile app on iOS & Android, as that can reach the most people. We did enable 3D touch on this first version of the iOS app so that parents can quickly get to the three things that they need to access multiple times a day (feeding, diapers, sleep). Now that the mobile app is out, a watch version is being considered.
Justin Thorp
Excited to try this. Our next kid is due May 8th. :) Just FYI -- Your link goes to Eve not Glow Baby.
This is really cool. I had started AirBear to do this -- focused initially on feelings. @Airbearco doesn't have the community features that Glow does and really like how they've done milestones and moments. A great step forward for baby apps. Well done Glow team!
Duane Wilson✌️
Glad to see more tech (and men) in maternity care!
Someone Named
Super helpful and necessary to have apps like this for parents. Definitely could have used it a couple years ago. No doubt overwhelming as a first-time parent and things like this would be a major stress reliever, which is huge. And there wasn't anything but old-fashioned and rudimentary ways of getting such info even just a couple years ago. Kudos!
Liat Mordechay
Finally! Great job Glow baby
Ionut Danifeld
I know some mommies that will love this product.
Vadik One
Amazing, thinking about this kind of thing so much time! Happy you guys did it! Installed, will try the app out.
Mehrdad Piroozram
Loving vertical mobile communities! This category will be huge!
Very cool product!