Can anyone explain to me answers to the following:
1- Why Gmail and Inbox are still two separate products
2- Why swiping left and right on a message both archive it and there's nothing in settings to allow users to set two different actions? C'mon now...
@raritan@nivo0o0 It's no more exhausting than the cognitive exhaustion of having 3 or 4 or 5 digits on your unread mail count. :)
And it's easy to start: select every email on your Inbox — every single one — go through the last month or so, deselect everything that looks both actionable and important, then Archive All. If it's older than a month it's not really important — if it was, you would have replied/take action by now. And if there's anything older than a month that is actually important, it will come back to the top of your inbox at some point. Relax.
From this point on, it's just a matter of not letting the emails pile on again. Archive everything that's not important or actionable. Create filters to help you with this. (Google Inbox's automatic "bundles" are great for this.) Deflect emails to come back another day if they're important but you won't be taking action on them today. If you start to go too many days without reaching Inbox Zero and too many mails are piling up on your Inbox (for me this threshold is 15, 20 max), make a concentrated effort to get to Inbox Zero that day and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it.
@raritan@nivo0o0 Simple solution: don't use iOS Mail app. Or at least have the Inbox app installed and ready for when you need to search. But at this point I would just suggest using the Inbox app entirely — it's better anyway. Plus, you're using email from Google, makes more sense to use it on a Google app than on an Apple one.
1. It needs an option to disable images loading automatically.
2. Signatures are automatically synced/selected/used from the desktop settings for the address being used (I use multiple from the same inbox) to reply not just one non-formatted option or none at all.
3. Emails are cached on the device when they are pushed and do not need a live internet connection when opening the app. (Same with Calendar app)
4. Options to choose to delete, archive or label on slide right/left.
5. Option to choose default view of Everything or Unread.
I'm pretty disappointed that there is no way to disable images loading automatically.
I also feel let down because by default it doesn't automatically add a signature from the email account you are using and you can only use one signature per account which is pointless if you use multiple alias addresses.
The last Gmail version allowed you to do all of the above. Please could we see this returned in an update?
After years of no change, Gmail for iOS gets finally a facelift on par with Android. I was afraid they were going to be all in Inbox which i hate and would kill the Gmail app. On the good news: faster. On the bad: label management is a disaster. for some reasons they don t use the same display rules as on desktop and you can t hide labels... oh and they still did not had any 3d touch shortcut on iOS
@ourielohayon It's also amazing to me that after all this time css doesn't render properly in gmail.. The amount of hours I've wasted designing emails with the most disgusting inline css is not fun
@ourielohayon I made the switch to Android and that's been the most frustrating part. No good email apps. I've always felt the Gmail app on Android is very average at best and has a lot of functionality that is just a head scratcher to me as to why it's even there. Can't believe Google hasn't put out a solid email app yet.
Dammit the default view is now always "Important & Unread". Even if you switch views manually, it switches back next time (and you can't change the default anywhere)
@aprudy@guy Agree. I'm carrying a iPhone 7 Plus now, and they managed to take up so much more of the screen with garish defaults that it actually lost information density and personal relevance.
@guy old comment (I know!) but if you're looking for a different layout you may want to consider some gmail extensions. We have one ( but there are loads thatn will add a lot 'extra' onto Gmail experience.
To inefficient compared to the inbox app by Google.
For example, to reply to an email do I really have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the email?
Plus, inbox has a few good shortcuts, like three suggested responses to most emails that I get.
It's a step in the right direction but I don't understand using either/or for swipe settings (you choose archive OR trash and right/left both handle that action). I'll stick with Polymail :)