
Smart Compose in Gmail - Write emails faster with Smart Compose in Gmail


Over the next few weeks, Smart Compose will appear in the new Gmail for consumers, and will be made available for G Suite customers in the workplace in the coming months.

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"To get started, make sure you’ve enabled the new Gmail by going to Settings > “Try the new Gmail.” Next, go to the general tab in your settings, scroll down and enable “experimental access.” If you want to switch back, you can always uncheck the box."
Stowe Boyd
@arunsathiya There is no 'experimental access' in my settings>general.
Daylen Sawchuk
@stoweboyd Are you on the new Gmail?
Chris Owens
@arunsathiya @stoweboyd Ok! I got it to show up by doing a full page refresh (shift+reload)
Yury Molodtsov
@arunsathiya @stoweboyd @ocell Are you on Gmail or G-Suite? Your administrator might not turn the immediate release option on.
Will Curran
@arunsathiya @stoweboyd @ocell @y_molodtsov I'm having the same issue. I have rapid release enabled on our account and have the new gmail.
Michael Klein

As somebody who likes to discuss political things with friends and try to look at stuff at different angles I'm fearfull that google will try to influence thinking or maybe even punish "wrong thinking" - wrong is of course googles flavor of the day...


Faster email


Google now Scans my email and the AI knows the context of what I write

Paul Lambert
No additional scanning as part of this feature. From a feature extraction perspective, this is no different than spam protection.
Looks like a great timesaver. Will this also be available in Inbox or is it just for gmail?
William Pitcher
@arquason It will probably become more of a timesaver over time. I expect they will provide longer passages as the machine learning improves. It will definitely be great for slow typers. It looks a lot quicker than phone-based auto-complete.
@wmpitcher to me looks like autocomplete while coding. Just keep tabbing as long as it matches what you wanted to say and just steer it in the right direction. Generally its cool and if somebody doesnt like it they can just ignore it.
@wmpitcher to me looks like autocomplete while coding. Just keep tabbing as long as it matches what you wanted to say and just steer it in the right direction. Generally its cool and if somebody doesnt like it they can just ignore it.
Jon Bjornn
Meh. This will just end up influencing what people were planning on writing in the first place. Might sound dramatic, but I'm not interested in having my own voice subtly steered towards the most common phrases and sentence structures. All in the name of 'time savings' 🤷🏼‍♂️
Henry Fraser

Great, so Google will now nudge everyone's choices of words (and thoughts) in 'private' correspondence.


Faster emails


More emails. And Google tells you what to write (and think).

Ajay Goel
I wonder how this will compare to this recently launched Chrome extension:
Filip Twarowski
@parttimesnob Check us out, Ajay! We seem to be a lot more personalized than Gmail's version, and we're happy to see more innovation in the field. :)
Sharjeel Bin Ashraf
Looks great. Especially helpful on mobile
Paul Lambert
@sharjeelashraf1 thanks! not launched for mobile yet, since the UX is much more difficult there as there is already an autocomplete paradigm on the keyboard to contend with. But of course it's something we'll be looking at. :)
Ida Aalen

Obviously useful, but I know I'll cherish the handwritten post cards even more from now, haha.


Faster e-mails


Now we can all become even more generic and soul-less ^_^

Dre Durr💡
Dope 🚬🚬 This is a great addition to gmail
Carlo F. Quaglia
Since when is a new product feature considered a new product in itself?
Paul Lambert
@cfquaglia It's an interesting question. Features built on huge platforms are often much bigger than entire companies (aka startups) in terms of investment ($ and team size), impact, revenue, etc... If this instead was a startup launched as a plugin, would you consider it a product?
Filip Twarowski
@cfquaglia I would also argue that it's a product, but I may be somewhat biased ;) @prlambert - would love to chat sometime about Smart Compose and EasyEmail!
Carlo F. Quaglia
@prlambert Well what is a product for the PH platform? That is the question. All sorts of things are posted on PH as products, including plugins, product updates and, now, new product features, but a definition of what constitutes a product is given nowhere on the site (I could not find it at least). It should not be a matter of size. I think posts for a product update or a new product feature should be linked to the post of the parent product, since they relate to that and do not constitute a separate product themselves. This would be a useful thing to do because it would add a temporal dimension to the information for a product. What do you think @producthunt and @rrhoover?
Carlo F. Quaglia
@prlambert @filip_twarowski I had missed the launch of EasyMail, but it seems it and Gmail Smart Compose do very similar things: how do they differ?
Filip Twarowski
@cfquaglia Our product is more verticalized since we're focusing on customer support. It seems like the underlying tech is very different, but obviously I can't be 100% certain. We've also been working on some key integrations (e.g. with calendar, search etc.) that Gmail doesn't seem to be providing yet. Hope this helps!
Walter Bubie

I do not want to recommend any tool that will make people lazy(er) and lower their writing /speaking skills.


I’m not sure


My sense is that my “creative” writing will be interrupted by suggestions that that are wrong. Machines keep working for humans!