Ajay Goel

Cold Email Warmup by GMass - A completely free cold email warm-up system


If you're sending cold emails you likely know that warming up a domain and Gmail account is an important step to maximizing Gmail's sending limits and increasing deliverability.
Here is a completely free warm-up system that works with any Gmail account.

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Ajay Goel
Hey guys -- if you're in the cold email industry, you've likely heard of the concept of "warming up" your new domain or your Gmail account. While there are several other warm-up solutions available, I found flaws in them, so I built this as a free and improved alternative. I don't like building "me too" products. I only built this because I saw a chance to improve over what others had built. I announced this in beta to my own user base last month, and there are already over 5,000 active accounts being warmed up and over 1 million warm-up emails have been exchanged between these accounts. Here's why my warm-up system is better: 1. One-click setup: Setup is a matter of just one click. No usernames/passwords to enter, and no Google security settings to alter. Our system works securely over OAuth, and not by authenticating over SMTP. 2. Auto-detect the right settings: We auto detect what your daily volume and ramp-up should be by automatically analyzing your account’s sending patterns. 3. Multi-message threads: GMass’s warm-up conversations include several back-and-forth replies as opposed to just one reply, making each email thread seem more natural. 4. Auto Inbox decluttering: No need to set up a Gmail filter manually (in fact, doing so harms the warm-up process). Our system will automatically archive any warm-up emails sent to your Inbox. 5. Higher warm-up limits: The GWarm system sends up to 200 warm-up emails per day, depending on your warm-up settings. Other warm-up systems limit your sending to around 50 warm-up emails/day. This “limits” your Gmail sending limits. 6. Price: Did I mention it's completely free? I must admit that when I first set out to build this, I thought it was going to be a lot easier than it actually was. What I was most surprised about was how much math was involved to build this properly. There are all kinds of formulas we created to determine how many emails to send on any given day, how to balance the number of emails that are sent versus received, and how to adjust the day's volume up or down based on unexpected circumstances, like emails bouncing or going over Gmail's limits or too many emails landing in Spam. But, with all of this came the opportunity to iterate and improve it for a month before launching it here on PH. If you want all the dirty details of this system, see the blog post: https://www.gmass.co/blog/free-e... To warm up an account now, go to: https://www.gmass.co/warmup
Barney Stevenson
I joined the warmup scheme as I really rate GMass and trust the product. However, not withstanding the brilliance of the idea and execution of this warmup service, I have serious concerns about privacy and your *approach* to privacy. You need to make it much clearer that you are sharing all the warmup users' email addresses with each other up front.
We've been using GMass for around three years now, and it continues to get better and better. We're still testing our GWarm on a couple of our accounts but initial results look great and we've already noticed an improvement in deliverability.
Ken Moo
Amazing. Thanks for making this free!
Ariel Levin
I'm using it with many accounts already - ideally it would operate outside our business hours so there is less momentarily clutter
I’ve been using the warmup feature for two. Setup was seamless and the daily warmups happen without any of my involvement. So far this appears to be going incredibly well. Would love for them to offer this service for a non-gmail account.
this is nice. congrats on the launch!
CK Howes
Flawless execution. Early days, but we're very impressed with the process so far.
William Barber
I've tried gwarm and quickmail's auto-warn feature and gwarm's is far superior.
Ajay Goel
@william_barber Well thanks! I feel a little bad though because the founder of QuickMail is my friend, but we both enjoy some friendly competition I think.
Isaac Smith
Amazing. Better than any of the paid warming tools! This service has definitely opened doors for my business. I'm new to Gmass, but Ajay certainly seems to have his act together, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else he has on the way. Thank you Ajay! :)
Nicola Liberati
I use the warming function for 15 days. The installation was smooth and the daily warm-up happens without my involvement even if some emails hang on me and confuse me in the inbox. Can you help me ?
Wyatt Cavalier
Tried using this for a few days, but the random unread emails popping up all the time drives me crazy...I can't see what I need to deal with in my inbox and what I can ignore, especially on my iPhone. It would be really useful if you could set this to only run at night or something. @parttimesnob
Jamie Coleman
Random unread emails popping up all the time drives me crazy also, so I set filters to be able to sort through the noise, but reading now that filters affect warmup. Like the whole idea but hate the random emails mixed with my business emails and so many unimportant notifications. If that was not an issue it would be 10/10
Someshwar Chidurala
@parttimesnob Such a useful product. But it wont work with Microsoft 365.