Ajay Goel

Free Email Verifier - The first free and accurate email verification service


Our email verification service validates your addresses before you send to your list. Email addresses are tested for syntax and accounts are tested for validity in real-time over SMTP. We also use AI to figure out first names from just email addresses.

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Ajay Goel
Hi! I've been developing email products for 20 years and I was recently frustrated over how expensive and complicated the existing email verification services are, so I built my own, and integrated it into our email campaign tool, GMass. For the first time, you can, for free: 1. Validate your entire email list using our web-based tool. OR... 2. Validate your entire email list using our API. OR... 3. Validate your entire email list at the time you send to it. Even better, using a huge database of first names and an algorithm we wrote, we can accurately generate first names based on just an email address. Example: johnsmith@gmail.com will yield a first name of John. I built our service to be super easy to use. Nothing to sign up for, no credit card to input, and it's completely free. You can use it with any email sending service on the planet, whether that's MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, or some lesser known tool.
Hans Dekker
Just tested it and at first glance seems to be more accurate than the paid service I was using. I'll definitely have a look at the API too. Either way, you're the #1 email guy without a doubt.. :-)
Ajay Goel
@hans_dekker Well thanks. You just gave me an emotional boost after seeing my PH ranking drop a few spots over the last 10 minutes!
Johan Bavaud
Wouha ! Thanks for that !
Ajay Goel
@johan_bavaud You're most welcome.
Adrian Cerdan
Michael Andreuzza
Damn, this was great. Congrats ajay!
Ben King
Big fan of Gmass!
Peter Malick
Great tool. We are using Gmass, too and loving it. Thanks,@ajay
Juan Carlos Olamendy
Great tool. I've just tested it out and it's great. I definitively use your API.
Anil Kumar Panigrahi
Great tool, we can use it very quickly, but I have faced small issue that when I use the existing email address with my domain name it is showing status is invalid. Can you please check it. Thank you.
Ajay Goel
@iamakpanigrahi What email address are you verifying?
Anil Kumar Panigrahi
@parttimesnob sorry for the late reply, I am checking for my domain email i. e. https://verify.gmass.co/check?em...
Alex Papageorge
Can I upload a csv file too?
Pedro Barbagli
@alex_papageorge I don't think so. But you can copy and paste your list. I just tested with a 1200+ emails and worked very well.
Yusuf Bayram
Nice but I checked some mails the system said "blocked" what is it?
Pedro Barbagli
@yusuf_bayram https://www.gmass.co/blog/email-... "...This includes addresses where the status is Valid, Blocked, or Unknown. It might seem counterintuitive that we include in your final send list an address that is BLOCKING email from us, but an address that is BLOCKING email from us is an indication that the address is good. Also, the address might be blocking email from our email verification server, which is hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS), but that doesn’t mean that it will block email sent from your Gmail account or a third party system like SendGrid. That is why if the verifier detects a block, GMass will still attempt to send your email to that address."