Hiten Shah

Link Checker by GMass - Get screenshots of all your links before sending email.

Paste the HTML for your next email campaign into this free link checker, and watch the magic happen. Make sure your links aren't broken and see screenshots of each webpage to make sure you didn't make a copy/paste mistake when setting links.

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Hiten Shah
This is a pretty useful tool to verify the links in your emails. Not every email provider has built this in to their interface, so Ajay built a handy way to check your links before you send email campaigns. Little tools that save time and mistakes are my favorite!
Ajay Goel
Thanks @hnshah! This is a super simple link checker that can be used with any email marketing service like MailChimp, Constant Contact, or my Gmail plugin, GMass. Just paste your HTML in, hit the button, and we'll check for broken links AND generate screenshots. The screenshots is the coolest part of this. Why? If you've ever sent an email campaign with a lot of links, you might have been scared that you transposed links between anchor texts, or you copied and pasted wrong. Being able to hover over your links and see screenshots eliminates that worry. On the other hand, if your email campaigns only contain 1 or 2 links, then this tool probably isn't for you, and you're better off just manually clicking the links in a test email before you send to your real list. This tool is completely free.