Tim Herbig

GoButler - Use SMS as your own personal butler


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Kashif Jawed
sounds like magicApp? how's it different?
Anthony W. Richardson
@kashjawed I'm wondering the same -- they're using similar examples and 90% identical website copy &FAQ. Same company?
@kashjawed @webfugitive It's one of the many copycats to www.getmagicnow.com
Bryan Wynkoop
@dwmerriman David, is this you guys dabbling with industry/lifestyle-specific branding? http://edumagic.co/
Joshua Dance
@kashjawed Can we get all the Magic inspired texting assistants reviewed? :)
Jason Fiedler
@kashjawed @gobutler is completely free - no service costs, markups or hidden fees. you pay exactly what you would if you were to do it yourself. magic adds a fee/markup to the normal cost.
Tim Herbig
GoButler recently was in the German news last week through the angel investment of TV celebrity Joko Winterscheidt. Looks more promising than the other clones so far.
Lukas Ingelheim
Copy cat. Is there a vote down button?
@lukasingelheim competition is always good for customers. But I'd like to vote down also :)
Ali R. Tariq
I love this idea. Abstracting any drudgery or complexity away from tasks that I just want to get done without needing to know how is a value-add, if you ask me. Looking forward to giving this a go.
Steve O'Hear
There are some potential differences compared to Magic regarding rev model: http://techcrunch.com/2015/04/01...
Supratim Dam
So one is the from the US, the other one from Berlin.
Bryan Wynkoop
That makes Magic #2 in Germany. @jamesbittede (www.jamesbitte.de) has been at it for about a month now, I believe.
Justin Mitchell
not that it really matters, but you can't sign up for your mailing list if you accidently have caps lock enabled
life saver.
I've used this to find a housekeeper and had a wonderful experience. Worked well. It's helpful because since it's all via text, you can use it while multitasking easily at work. ;)
Tyler James Young
Last time I tried to use GoButler, I got an automatic response saying they'd become a business travel booking service. Is it back?
Daniel F.
7 March 2017 -- Appears to be dead?