Daishin Sugano

GOAT - The most trusted way to buy and sell sneakers on mobile


GOAT is the safest way to buy and sell sneakers. We offer free verification services on all purchases to ensure your sneakers are authentic and as described.

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Clark Wimberly
Amazingly clean design.
Daishin Sugano
@clarklab Thanks! We wanted to match what kicks are to us...fresh and clean. The less we did, the better it worked out. The kicks are the art and color on the app.
Daishin Sugano
Hey there Product Hunt! When I was 10, I owned a pair of OG Air Jordan 5 Grapes while playing organized basketball. 20 years later, I was feeling a bit nostalgic about them and decided to buy them again on eBay. Long story short, they ended up being fake and it was extremely upsetting. It made me look at the sneaker industry as a whole, and with my co-founder we realized we could make things a lot safer, simpler and more affordable. Safer We standardize photos from the sellers. They are required to take 7 in app photos at the angles we ask for. For a limited time, all sneaker purchases are sent to GOAT HQ free of charge where they are authenticated by our in-house sneaker specialist, then shipped out to the end buyer. Simpler You can currently search from 15,000 (and growing) sneakers in our database and see if they are for sale. If they aren't, you can enter in your shoe size and a push notification will be sent to you once available for purchase. More Affordable Our commissions are the lowest in the game at 9.5% vs. eBay+Paypal at 13% and Flight Club at 20%. Not only will sellers take home more, but we hope this will drive down the prices for the buyers as well. This is just the beginning. We are excited to keep iterating on the product. Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Taylor Crane
A very obvious question has no answer on the landing page. What sort of condition are these sneakers in? Can they be used? How used? Also, it seems like the focus is on basketball/sport/sneakers, is that accurate? Vs. casual shoes, loafers, etc.
Daishin Sugano
@taykcrane Thanks for the question! We could be clearer on the landing for sure. Will be addressed. It’s up to the sellers to decide what types of sneakers they want to sell on GOAT. Both new and used are being sold right now and you can look at the listing photos to check out the condition they are in. Each seller is required to take 7 photos so it gives the buyer enough angles to make a decision. And yep, we are focused on sneakers!
Mike Murchison
Excited to use this guys. Do you have any insight yet on how prices on Goat compare to other marketplaces? Quick point of feedback on the initial iOS experience: I was expecting to have more choice in picking the sneakers I'd like to own. Consider loading more sneakers beyond the *popular* results. Looking forward to selling my first pair ✌️
Daishin Sugano
@mimurchison Awesome! We are transparent with sellers on how much they will make when they enter in their listing price and display a suggested price to them based on online data we have collected. Ultimately, it's up to them, but we are hoping they will understand through the UI that they make the most with us right now, offer a fair price to the buyer and ultimately move their merchandise faster. We are definitely lower priced than consignment shops like Flight Club. We will have to collect more data to show a better picture for all marketplaces, but would love to share this information once we have it. Regarding the sneakers to own on the onboarding flow, good point! This is a tricky one for us. We want people to move quickly into the app, but would also love for them to start out with a sneaker in their collection. At the moment we are actually contemplating dropping the user off into the app after they select their shoe size and not have them choose a sneaker they would like to own. Perhaps there is enough inspiration in app for them to add a sneaker or two. Thoughts?