finally. i need book recommendations badly, but i couldn't use goodreads (or shelfari for that matter). maybe now i can.
anyone here have any great book recommendations? (No self help i'm perfect)
@eriktorenberg The first half of this book about ESPN's history is fascinating. If entrepreneurs think building a web app/mobile app is hard, imagine building a cable network in the late 70s/early 80s when CABLE was only in ~2M homes.
Tidbit for the PH community:
ESPN raised venture capital from an oil company (Getty Oil, known for the getty museum in Los Angeles). The terms? Getty basically bought the company by taking 80% and underwrote it for the next 6 years.
Recent Fiction- Really like his books, so if he's new to you, you're in for a treat.
If you haven't discovered him before, Carl Hiaasen. The Miami Herald columnist, turned humor novelist.
Non-fiction - The Rush ( Learn about the first California Gold Rush
Smartcuts (
(Most of these were on the newsletter - hint) Let me know how you like any of them.
@eriktorenberg I'd recommend following Tim Ferriss' book club - he's got four books in there now...all solid reads. He also usually has the authors of the books in his book club as guests on his new podcast which is cool to listen to before/after you read the books.