This book, though very good, isn't exceptional enough to mention outside of the story behind the book. Hugh Howey was able to harness the power of social media and cliffhangers so well that he was able to sell the print rights to the book and maintain the digital on his own. This may not have been the first time it ever happened, but it's the first I ever heard about.
Does anyone else have any cool stories in this vein?
@jeffumbro agree that the story-behind-the-story is better than the story itself :). Hugh actually does a great job of sharing other similar self-publishing success stories on his blog. Andy Weir was another recent monster hit with The Martian. Check out David Fugate for a good industry-insider perspective. I actually sold my two novels to a small press and then negotiated back rights to self publish the third book. There's a TON of new things happening in publishing right now.
Neon Fever Dream