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Karel Vuong

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion — The book on persuasion that explains why people say yes.

Hunter Walk
If there was just one book every entrepreneur should read it's this one. And probably read annually given the fact we're all so susceptible to these types of interactions.
Karel Vuong
A great and easily digestible read on psychology and consumer behavior. Many of the points made in the book can be taken out and applied, especially within the realm of sales and marketing. Would definitely recommend to those of you who want to understand influence and persuasion.
Mike Stenhouse
One of the most eye opening books I've ever read and the one I gift the most. Absolutely fascinating! I use the principles Cialdini outlines here every day in my UX work.
Ed White
This is one of the few books that I don't openly recommend because the insights are so powerful, I'm afraid those who I recommend it to will be suspicious I've been using the techniques on them! It's an excellent book with knowledge which could almost be considered a weapon--a must read.
Neil Strauss
In the book, psychology professor Cialdini examines the shortcuts that people use to make decisions, then distills the tactics of persuasion to six key psychological principles. And five of them (if not six sometimes) come into play in textbook game. Although it’s a book about MARKETING, understanding these make all the difference in making the leap from interest to attraction. Also recommended: What Every BODY is Saying by Joe Navarro and Marvin Karlins.
ajo a.
This is a must read. I will likely re-read this several times. Pre-Suasion looks interesting as well from Cialdini.