Hanbum Kim

GoodTask 3 for Mac - Task manager based on Apple's reminders and calendars


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Brian Roach
$9.99 SALE price seems really expensive, especially so for a task app. I do like how you offer a trial thru your website, but $9.99 seems overpriced, even for the retail price. Just my $0.02 / opinion of course.
Hanbum Kim
@anodigital Thanks for the feedback. Would you mind telling me what price point do you think is reasonable for a task app on Mac? Also it would be helpful if you can tell me what app/service you're currently using as a task managing app. Thanks!
Pietz Prove
@hanbumkim @anodigital i agree $10 sale implies that it will be $15-$20 and thats definitely too much as there are SO MANY great and free alternatives out there. im not saying the functionality and execution arent worth it, but you also have to see current options on the market. im passing for now for another reason though. as an Android user a todo app that doesnt sync to my phone is just useless.
Hanbum Kim
Hi everyone, my name is Hanbum Kim and I'd like to introduce GoodTask 3 for Mac. GoodTask 3 for iOS was released few months ago and GoodTask 3 for Mac is counterpart of it on macOS platform. GoodTask is a task manager app based on Apple's Reminders and Calendars that you can use as simple checklist or even as complex project management tool. It's highly customizable with many powerful features which makes it possible. There has been big improvements from previous GoodTask versions and if you're using GooodTask 3 for iOS, this will be the one you've been waiting for. With all the new features that GoodTask 3 provides, and with 'Auto Preferences Sync' which syncs all the lists and settings with iOS devices, your productivity will get a boost. GoodTask 3 for Mac is currently on sale ($9.99) on Mac App Store and you can try free for 14 days by downloading trial version on http://goodtaskapp.com/mac If you have any questions, feel free to ask anytime. Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day!
Napat S.
@hanbumkim good job !! , think move my task to your app ☺️ have one problem why all task auto delete problem iCloud sync ?
Hanbum Kim
@napat_hello I'm not quite sure what you mean. All the tasks shown on GoodTask are directly from Reminders app
Camillo Visini
Looks amazing! Will play around with it to see if it fits my workflow. Cheers!
Hanbum Kim
@camillovisini Thanks! Hope you like it. :)
Gareth Price
This looks fantastic. How long will the sale last for?
Hanbum Kim
@iamgp Thanks! Not fixed but it'll probably be on sale for few weeks. :)
Radoslav Stankov
@hanbumkim I think this would work even better as a menu bar app.
Hanbum Kim
@rstankov Thanks for the suggestion. :)
Pietz Prove
ooooh thats pretty
Hanbum Kim
@gopietz Thanks! :D
Steven Law
Beautiful app, so easy to use and simple.
Hanbum Kim
@stevenlaw Thanks. :D
David Chang
The shortcut text of new task on the add icon on the bottom-left corner is incorrect. The "cmd+T" shortcut is actually the shortcut of "Move to today".
Hanbum Kim
@chang2301 Oh, that's only viable when that menu is opened. Normally CMD-N is for new task. I'll change it to match. Thanks for the info! :)
iOS Thunder
Tried it. There was no onboarding. Didn't understand how to use it. Deleted it.
Balance and Sun
GoodTask is on another level. Thanks Good Task.. So simple yet so powerful. Mac should use this as it's standard.
Ghost Kitty
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