Gemma Curl

Hip-Hop Trivia for Google Home - A trivia game for hip-hop heads

Hip-Hop Trivia will quiz you on how knowledgable you are about hip hop music and the artists behind the music. Each game includes 5 questions. Answer them all and prove to your friends that you are the biggest hip hop head.

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Ben Levy
This is cool...why Google Home instead of Alexa as the platform?
Gemma Curl
@benmlevy It really came down to 2 things. 1) I’ve been wanting to build a voice app for a while and a former coworker of mine that builds voice apps for large corporations on both Google and Alexa said the Google Home consistently outperforms the Alexa in technical performance. 2) I received a Google Home as a gift and decided it was time to stop thinking about building a voice app and start making a voice app.
Cam Burley
This is dope. I wanna get a bunch of people in a room and try it!
Cam Burley

It's really cool. I like the sound effects when you get it right or wrong!


really easy


none, really

Gemma Curl
Thanks for checking out the product :)
Rodney Stereo

This is a fun product and def makes using my Google Home fun when chilling with friends!


The facts are correct and it's a fun trivia game to play with on the Google Home.



Jake Crump
This is super cool! These kinds of fun games on the Google Home are a way better selling point for me than having my lights turn on.
Gemma Curl
@jakecrump Thanks Jake! It was fun to make. I would love to think of some other Google Home project ideas that would encourage more regular user engagement in the future.
John Anderton
Looks pretty good
Afanasiy Savvin
Spent 20 minutes playing it 😄 looks like a very cool app. Congrats!