Juan José

Website speed performance report - Track your website's speed and performance with Data Studio


We created a free Google Data Studio template to help you track your (or your client's) website's speed using Google Analytics. It's free and gives insight into what you could do to optimize it. Instructions included.

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Sebastian Blanco
How does the connection to my data work? Does the report update in real-time?
Juan José
@data_studio_wizard That's a great question! The connector we use for this template is a native Google Analytics connector. The report updates with your own data in Google Analytics! It's just a one-time setup that takes a minute to work out!
Juan José
Website speed is a key factor nowadays to rank effectively in search engines. Without a proper tracking, a whole business will not get seen and experimented by its audience. We learned this the hard way, and committed to helping others avoiding this HUGE mistake!
Meadow Simmons
Lots of great work behind this template! Congratulations, Juan.
Earwig Hedwig
Good luck!