Chanelle Garcia

Google News - An all-new Google News powered by AI


Google News organizes what's happening to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you and the world.

Get the Google News app, available for both Android and IOS.

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Ryan Hoover
The app looks fresh. I'm curious what news sites or apps people use today. 🤔 Plug: We're experimenting with our own take on tech news with Sip, which will soon be available on the web and more community-driven.
Varun Dave
@rrhoover Rely on The Times and The Guardian apps to get accurate news, Twitter for more live content. Started using News after watching io18, seems good.
Duane Wilson✌️

Curious if this is another example of group think... If it's looking at what my friends do and what I typically do then it'll reinforce that behaviour and I won't learn anything new or have a chance to thin outside of my own sphere of influence. So that's what I question about these types of things - even though I like them (because I'm designed to)


Slick, Seems relevant


It's no SIP :D

Scott Bowler
Powered by AI = censorship and control of the narrative by AI
Google is really stepping up their game this year
Joey Banks
Do we know if is going to be updated to fully reflect the design of the new app?
Hey Guys, just wanted to ask. The promo shows the content related to US market only. But what is the situation for India or south asian countries ? Would we be witnessing top sources in the application of our respective regions?
@vsvivek93 I think it will work on Indian sources as well or they might introduce sooner or later. I recently launched a news site similar to Google news just in case you are interested.
Rajeev Sharma
@vsvivek93 I am sure Google India team is on top of this, especially with the Indian news media collaborations.
Jason Safaiyeh
Great idea for Google; however, super dangerous for me as a user. I downloaded the App and I was stuck reading for an hour.
Nick Nish

The UX is just a joy to use. I've been using this for a week now, and it's gotten me back into reading the news every day. My news consumption went from 0 to checking 2-5x/day.

As I'm already hitting the reading limit for my favorite sources in 1 week, I can see myself actually paying for NYT.

A few features that I adore:

• Headlines shows you the top current headlines

• You can swipe between different sources and see quotes from them

• A US-based news app that let's you view World news easily?! 👏🏼

• For You shows you stories that the algorithm thinks you'll like

• Supports the publisher's reading cap rules (ex. NYT's 5 free articles)


Feels amazing to use, great news algorithm, ability to follow specific sources and stories


Optimized for more general news use, but no complaints so far

Dan Dan
So... my Newsstand app is gone... I guess this replaced it? It looks cleaner, hopefully it's here to stay for more than 1 year.
Alexey Krasnoslobodtsev
I like the design, should be easy to use and informative at the same time.
Joseph Wood
Not as good as I thought it was going to be. Still a bigger fan of Apple News as far as design goes. Apple has more articles that open up natively in the app instead of through a web browser so far. I hope it get's better at recommending articles I like because it's not super great right now. it's probably super awesome if you're a liberal, but being a conservative who doesn't like talking politics, it always takes a while to tune these apps to my taste. Apple News is now really good at suggesting great Nintendo and Photography sites and articles to me. But I'll probably just go back to my RSS app. I'll give it a few weeks to see if it get's better for me.
Stewart Henderson

It's probably too early to tell, will check in later ;)


So far (2 hours), so good


I haven't noticed a large difference yet, honestly.

Jonathan Kelley
Looks like Google is smashing it this year!
Looks nice and it's very helpful, but it doesn't seem to be able to handle two languages right now. I've been using it for two days and I need to constantly change languages because most of the content I wanna read is in english but all my local and sports news are in portuguese...
Ruiter Matos

it's a great news app


awesome design!


nop :)

Evan Roberts

I'm a big fan of Google news and even the android feed. Their new news app is a huge improvement over both. Can't recommend it any more highly.


The best news app



Chandhann Kumar Ramchurn
So far so good. Much prefer the fresh clean look!
Dillon Nichols
I've been using the normal Google app on iOS (and the Now functionality) for my news and I like it more than this one. It provides results that are more tailored for my interests and pulls in stories from smaller blogs. But if you're just interested in headlines, then use this News app is for you. If you want results personalized from your Google history, use the Google app.
Federico Gaglio
I really love the app. It gave me again interest again into looking on any type of news.
Preslav Rachev

The new Google News experience is nice and tailored to my interests. Unfortunately, it won't change the fact that many of the news sources nowadays are clickbait and of dubious quality. The "full picture" feature only helps to expose how much one source copied from others.


Tailored experience.


Full picture can only do so much, if all sources on one story are clickbait copies of each other (IMHO)