Casey Newton

Converge with Casey Newton - An interview podcast game show about Silicon Valley

I’m excited to share Converge, an interview game show hosted by me, Casey Newton. As The Verge’s Silicon Valley editor, I spend my days talking to some of the world’s most interesting people. I’ve always wanted to bring more of those conversations to you. And I wanted to do it in a way that was fun, thoughtful, and revealing. Have a listen!

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Ryan Hoover
Glad to see you podcasting, @caseynewton. If you could have anyone in the world (fictional characters count) as a guest on your show, who would it be?
Casey Newton
@rrhoover I want to talk to everyone!! But someone who stands out is Tim Cook. He's one of the big tech company CEOs I've never had a chance to meet, and I've always hoped to see a side of him that doesn't come out in the keynotes. So that's a long-term goal ... but it's a goal!
Hunter Walk

casey is going to get good interesting guests. won't be same old voices saying the same things.


new original format


there's only one episode so far :)

Casey Newton
Thank you Hunter! And I hope you might consider coming on some day. :)
Sam Elliott
Love this.
I'll definitely be listening in Casey because you keep it real, may I suggest a "I'm at [Insert Hip Restaurant Name] talking to millennials about artificial intelligence and its impact on Mark Zuckerberg's public speaking habits" episode? Great podcast name, btw. #OnBrand
Casey Newton
@jasonkristofor This is an excellent idea, Jason. Thank you!
John Xie
Congrats on the launch!