User-centric analytics & triggers, driven by micro-surveys
Ria Blagburn
Growth Bot β€” Coaches startups on growing their business through feedback

Ben Novak
Ahoy Product Lords of the Cat! πŸ˜ΊπŸ‘‘ Growth Bot's job is to help you figure out the right questions you should ask your users and suggest automated triggers, in order to increase growth. He really likes to help startups, websites, blogs, e-commerce, brands and growth hackers worldwide. Send him a message, He really loves the attention! * Next version will include more AI to help you take business decisions based on crowdsourced data. so stay in touch! :))
Ben Novak
Ben Novak
@jan_danckers thanks! :))
Shauli Daon
Nice product, but I think is bot name is taken...
Ben Novak
@adamwilliams_10 @shauli_daon nice growth bots! well I'm not sure any one can claim bot and growth heheh but maybe I'll add Gotcha as a prefix, what do you guys think ? Maybe got a better idea ?
Shauli Daon
@novakben @adamwilliams_10 We have the same dilemma with Simple CRM System (simpleCRMsystem.com) since many CRM vendors claim to be "simple". In the end, there's an upside (immediately understanding what you do, SEO, etc) and the downside is that you can't really trademark that. See e.g. http://authorityincome.com/brand...
Ben Novak
@shauli_daon @adamwilliams_10 I totally agree, I think as a bot it's less important because most of your traffic probably won't come from SEO, but as a company, I would pick something that is close to 0 results on google or something that is short and rememberable. But that's just my opinion :)
Looks AWESOME @novakben ! Keep developing great services!
Ben Novak
@idanbenporat thanks!!
Nogah Senecky
Feedback is so important! Good luck guys.
Ben Novak
@nogahsenecky thanks!!
Any future plans for a non-facebook version? Looks interesting regardless. Good luck!
Ben Novak
@deanifra Not at the moment, maybe if we'll have demand. Thanks!!
Diogo Monteiro
@novakben Did you think about make a version for landing pages, like intercom.io, but with your AI bot, exactly like are now?
Ben Novak
@diogo_monteiro interesting! But I didn't quite understand fully, you mind shooting me an email to ben - gotcha.io ?
Razvan Ilin
Awesome product. playing with it as we speak
Ben Novak
@razvanilin thanks!! :)
Juan Felipe Campos
Awesome job, team!!
Ben Novak
@juannikin thanks!!
Robert Nachum
Great idea πŸ˜€
Ben Novak
Looks great! Good luck :)
Ben Novak
@sarabcole Thanks!
Itamar Cohen
Looks really good.
Ben Novak
Nishant Shah
Behold, This bot really works :) :)
Ben Novak
@objectivecdeveloper hehehe we try ☺️
David Gradford
It 's look awesome. Will try it!
Ben Novak
@song_giang Thanks!
Itzik Gili
Nice :) Looking good.
Ben Novak
@itzikgili thanks!
Shlomo Garbi
Up voted!
Ben Novak
@shlomogarbi cheers!
Sabine Schoorl
Love it, great idea!
Ben Novak
Interesting concept. You can list your bot with us free of charge.