Jamie Barton

Grafbase MongoDB Connector - Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB at the edge

The MongoDB connector will instantly transform any collections configured into a fully functional GraphQL API with comprehensive query and mutation capabilities.

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That sounds like a powerful tool for developers! Could you provide more details on how your MongoDB connector works to create a GraphQL API? What kind of configuration options and customization does it offer, and what are some common use cases where developers might find it particularly useful?
Fredrik Björk
@ricardo_luz Grafbase brings your data sources close to end users by deploying a low-latency GraphQL API with built-in caching at the edge. The MongoDB connector lets you define which models you want to expose in your GraphQL API using TypeScript config or SDL. If your company cares about end-user latency to fetch data Grafbase makes this possible in a matter of minutes!
Alex Chepovoi
Congrats on your successful ProductHunt unveiling!
Cool. Nice landing page too. Using GQL for new proj, so bookmarked. Congrats on the launch!
Jamie Barton
@thomasjamesio please join us in Discord, even if your question isn't Grafbase specific, we'd be happy to help 🚀
Rajat Dhamija
As a developer i really appreciate you coming up with this tool!
nice something I would use, would be nice to see a code comparaison with apollo implementation and yours
Maxime Dolores
Nice to see mongo getting some love as well!
Jamie Barton
@m_dolr Mongo is so cool 😎
David Barrat
Congrats on the launch. Great job Grafbase team! I love how you're making mainstream databases easily accessible to the Edge.
Great launch Jamie! Hoping we could support each other today!