Emmanuel Amberber

GRAIL - Early cancer detection via blood screening, by Illumina


GRAIL's mission is to detect cancer early, when it can be cured.

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Swapnil Deshmukh
I think its GRAIL and not GARIL
Kumar Thangudu
This one should really be at the top of ProductHunt.
Garrett Flanagan
Great article on Grail in MIT Technology Review - http://www.technologyreview.com/...
Edwin Espinosa
@flanaganlyfe great article thanks! One of the major problems historically is that the DNA mutations that are released are very trace, I've heard the analogy "needle in the haystack" more than once. Hopefully they can make their test something routine like a paps exam, now if we could get insurance on board :(
Garrett Flanagan
@edwinespinosa09 I'm bullish, Illumina has the tech to succeed and scale where (many) others have failed.
Girish Rengaswamy
A very good initiative. But what matters most is what will be the pricing for a single test. If it ends up being priced like the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations test then point is lost. One other thought is the psychological impact of such a test. There is a very good possibility that most people who takes this test might end up being positive for some sort of cancer. Although you might not have contracted cancer you might end being treating yourself like one, right?
Emmanuel Amberber
"At least half of all cancers in the United States are diagnosed in Stage III and Stage IV, leading to lower survival rates. Detecting cancer at the earliest stages dramatically increases the probability of a cure and long-term survival." - Huge potential here. I believe GRAIL is poised for rapid global scale. It imposes no limitation to how many times a person can go for screening as their screening is free from radiation exposures and invasive procedures. Good luck.
Sarp Erdag
Great idea, hope to benefit from this service / product soon anywhere in the world...
Snehaal Dhruv
Remarkable!!! if it does what it says, the world will benefit significantly using this. Would be interested to know the timelines.
Emmanuel Amberber
@smdhruve It is scheduled for 2019. Check out the CEO's interview for more. https://twitter.com/CNBCi/status...
Ward Plunet
I will be interested in reading the papers this tech is based on (not sure if they can detect a few specific cancers or most/all cancers). If they can really do this it will be very helpful, but of course detection is only one step toward treatment/cure - but the earlier you detect cancer the better.
Giacomo Migliori
Great idea! Hopefully it'll do what it says and it will help save the lives of millions of people
Chel Wolverton
I think it's unfortunate that the website doesn't have a "HOW can consumers access" section. I imagine a lot of people concerned about cancer are wondering what to do next.
Paul Hart
...and in Australia free blood screening is being canned. Urrgggh.
Michelle Walstra
Great website, excited to see what the future holds! I'm assuming it will be years though before it passes testing and reaches the general public.
Siddharth Gupta
Very interested to see how this and other projects which emphasize screening develop
Washington Sanchez
Hmm... if you can detect cancerous DNA markers in the bloodstream, it may be too late (with the exception of hematological cancers etc). Ideally you want to catch tumors growing in local tissue environments (i.e. stage 1-2) before they reach the lymphatic and circulatory system. That said, it might be a useful tool if the DNA markers are treated as a prognostic indicator for treatment, or even detecting cancer subtypes.
Sarah Cornwell
So important. Pres. Obama stated in the SOTU '16 to cure cancer "once and for all"