Eric Willis

GraphCMS - The GraphQL CMS

With GraphCMS, developers build essential infrastructure for their digital products in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile, content creators have all the tools they need to manage their content.

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Johannes Schickling
Huge congrats on the launch! 👏 GraphCMS is the perfect for everyone who wants to migrate from Wordpress to a modern GraphQL based stack!
Michael Lukaszczyk
@_schickling Thanks a lot - GraphQL all the things! That's true, it's a great tool for devs that want to enter the headless space. The product can also be seen as content microservice, as it fits in any tool chain dealing with content.
Michael Lukaszczyk
@_schickling @nthtran That is still up for discussion, but we keep this in mind!
Michael Lukaszczyk
Hello Product Hunt! And thanks a lot for the hunt @erictwillis! After a year of blood, sweat and tears we are excited to announce that we finally launched our GraphQL CMS today. GraphCMS enables developers to build powerful content APIs in a matter of minutes, while it gives content editors all the tools they need to manage their content. The hosted content APIs can then be easily consumed by websites, apps or any other platform or partner. We want to enable developers and content editors to easily create the best content rich apps they can think of, without having to struggle with REST-APIs. We are very proud of the result, even though the product is still in an early stage. Product hunters, we have a special deal for you! Use the coupon code 'producthunt' to get a 50% discount for one year (no annual subscription necessary)! The coupon code can be redeemed while switching to a paid plan in the web app (this offer is valid until August 15th). Also we just uploaded a quick tutorial on YouTube, enjoy: Cheers, Michael Lukaszczyk
Artyom Chelbayev
This is awesome and the product looks slick! Great work! Quick question on the GraphQL endpoint though. Is it read only or could you write data as well?
Michael Lukaszczyk
Hey @artyom_chelbayev, thanks a lot! You can easily write data (or content) via the generated GraphQL-Endpoint as well! So the API works in both directions. The permission system will give you full control over create, read, update and delete operations on your API.
Artyom Chelbayev
@m_lukaszczyk Great, thank you! Sounds like there's a lot of flexibility already built-in, looking forward to it!
Dan Rosenshain
Looks pretty neat. Good luck.
Michael Lukaszczyk
@danr_4 Thanks a lot! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Gregor B. Rosenauer
really like the product, simple but powerful (despite the complexity of the field), awesome onboarding, interactive and simple, love it! Cannot wait to play more with it, thanks for the free plan!
Jonas Faber
@grexe Thank you very much again. Please let us know if we can help you.
Gregor B. Rosenauer
@flexzuu just out of curiousity, but do you use any 3rd party lib for the onboarding, or is it all custom built?
Jonas Faber
@grexe I used react-popover as ground-work and build our onboarding arround that. I will be investing some time to make it rock solid. Currently u can get stuck in some edgecases.
Cristian Dan
Awesome product! Do you support web socket subscription for real time apps?
Fabian Beliza
@cristiandan Thanks a lot! Not right now, but we definitely plan integration for GraphQL subscriptions in the near future.
Cristian Dan
@fbnblz can you do mutation with custom code?
Fabian Beliza
@cristiandan yes, you can use webhooks that will be triggered by your mutations
Erick Barron
I've heard of GraphQL but didn't think much of it until now that I'm reading more about it - it sure does feel like the future 😊. I'll keep this product in mind because I love the UI and colors - great job guys!
Fabian Beliza
@erickbarron86 It sure is awesome to work with! Thank you for you feedback and we are happy to welcome you to our user base :)
Romain Bessuges
Congratulations for being the first company to successfully bake a graph based CMS. It's a natural evolution for RESTful API CMS like Contentful... Very nice UI BTW :-)
Michael Lukaszczyk
Thank you very much @rbessuges 🙌
Maria Kanerva

perfect tool for developers


Most effective tool for developers


No cons so far

Jeseph Meyers
This look really promising, great to see additional entries into the growing JAMstack world. Quick comment at a first glance, you may want to slow down the example screencast :)
Michael Lukaszczyk
Hey @jesephm are you talking about the landing page intro? Yeah that could be a little fast. We will soon do a redesign on this and take your feedback into account (:
Jeseph Meyers
@m_lukaszczyk yep! I didn't mean to lead with a criticism but it made me question how much caffeine I've already had this morning ;) Definitely going to dig deeper and give this a try as I'm starting to think this is the way to go (moving slowly and carefully away from my addiction to WP)
Michael Lukaszczyk
@jesephm You got it! Could be a new addiction though (:
Celik Nimani
I've been searching around these couple of days for a solution like this and it seems that you launched at the right time. Can't wait to test this out with some of our upcoming products.
Fabian Beliza
@celiknimani Great to hear! Let us know if you need any help!
Taha Maddam, CFA
Advice for Link sharing - kindly don't shorten your link using or google URL shortener, as they don't work in China.
Michael Lukaszczyk
@tahatayyab Thanks a lot! Will keep that in mind.
Danny Florian
This is awesome!
Jonas Faber
Hey @dnyflorian thanks a lot. Let me know if we can help you.
Ktryn Dchrs
I'l try it as soon as I can!!
Alvaro Lozano Alonso
I love it!