It's free, sign up is super easy and fast. I created a wishlist and realized you can make all kind of lists on this site - it searches for products on amazon, ebay, etc. And there's a discover section full of lists.
As it happens this is exactly what I needed because I just started listing some books I'd like to buy... or someone to buy for me.
@v4violetta can people tick the items on your Wishlist for you? For example if I get you a book I can check it off, so a second person doesn't buy you the exact same one?
I keep a list like this today on Trello so that when friends and family ask what I want for a birthday or Hanukkah, I have something to tell them. It's good for me because I get something I'll use and it's good for them because it reduces the amount of time they have to spend looking for something and they can usually get something at a price-point they are looking for.
The biggest challenge, as @samatrouh mentioned, is making sure multiple people don't get the same thing. I got two of the same bluetooth speakers one year. It'd be great if someone could claim a gift on the wishlist.
Another idea is that once you have a person's wishlist, suggesting items to add or a curated collection that looks like it might be aligned with a person's interest. This helps the wishlist creator easily add more items and the gift buyer find other appropriate items if they want to stray outside the wishlist.
Thanks for hunting @v4violetta! We started the site because we felt the gift list/registry solutions available weren't that great, even though there are plenty of options.
It's a difficult space, and we struggled to nail the gift list/registry side, so we stripped the features back to be simpler and more about personal wishlists and less about gift lists. (So to answer your question @samatrouh, you cannot currently!)
We're having fun making the site and have a long way still to go, and there are lots of sites doing interesting stuff in this area. Glad to be featured here, I'm a big fan of this site :)
@oscarford1 I toyed with a similar idea 2 months back but gave up owing to 'difficulty of space' you mentioned. :)
When I try to open it, I find it unsafe. I see 'threat detected' notifications and I cannot open it. Can you please check?
@vingar Ah thanks for that Vinish, I'll look into that right away.
Yeah, I find it interesting because it's a very crowded space now, but because it's hard to get right, I still don't feel there is one satisfactory option for shopping curation and discovery.
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