Kevin William David

Gravity - Reach out to prospects at the right time, every time


Gravity is a sales intelligence platform helping individuals leverage triggering events that signal when to reach out to prospects. These events include when a prospect changes a job, when a company receives funding or when a company is growing quickly.

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Drake Dukes
Hey Product Hunt! If you just came here for the juicy data and free signals, scroll to the end – we have a special offer for you. Otherwise, I am Drake… not the rapper but the Head Data Dealer at Gravity. Bryan and I built Gravity to help sales reps, individual founders and anyone who has ever sent a cold email cut through the noise and get noticed. When half of the professional world’s inbox looks like this…. How does anyone standout when there are so many other things grabbing at our attention? Well, if you analyze enough data, you will find triggers, signals, and other valuable insights that indicate the best time to reach out. Don’t worry, we’ll track all the data for you! These powerful signals allow for you to…. Stay on top of prospects who just changed jobs. Reach out to freshly funded companies right after they raise funding. Funny story, Bryan actually used the first strategy to get my attention right when I was looking towards what was next in my future. 11 months, many long nights, and over 500 million data points later, we built what we are launching today. When trying to grow a business (like many of us are), cold emailing is still one of the most successful acquisition channels when done right. However, too many people get discouraged because their reply rate is never good enough. They are not even sure if they are reaching out to the right person at the right time. To get opens, responses and meetings, you have to be genuine, personalized, and timely. You’d be surprised at the response rates we’ve seen just from congratulating someone on their new role or using a recent funding event to get your foot in the door. Why is it so successful? Because timing is everything… Now I know you may reiterate the old adage that “sales is a numbers game”. Not anymore, my friend! If I can find the right 15 leads a week and reach out to them at the right time, the only numbers I will be counting are at the end of the month. 💰💰💰 Our goal is to change the strategy around cold outreach so everyone can leverage these signals to finally have a reason to reach out to prospects. If you are interested in Gravity, we are offering all Product Hunters exclusive data and 15 free signals per week based on your perfect customer. You set the filters; we supply the data! 🚀 Any feedback is appreciated plus bring on the comments and reviews! #LiberateTheData
Drake Dukes
@peytnhaag thanks Pey!
Nathan Latka
@drake_dukes been fun watching you and Bryan build this! Congrats on launching! 🎉🎉
Jackson G Fall
Great team great product, excited to see what Gravity brings!
Drake Dukes
@jacksonfall thanks for the support Jackson. It's for sure been a wild ride and one hell of a build!
Jack Sanford
Been waiting for this for so long!
Drake Dukes
@jack__sanford Thanks Jack! Glad our team could get it out to the world.
Ryan Ward
The best tool for any BDR or business development team that wants to level up their outreach. Can't recommend it enough for teams!
Drake Dukes
@ryan_ward4 Thanks Ryan. Glad to have you on the platform!
Gail Wilson
My small company needs this so badly. Cold emails take way too much of our time to make personalized. Also the intuition on who to reach out to and when to reach out makes such a difference for us. Excited to take advantage of this powerful tool!
Drake Dukes
@gail_wilson1 hopefully this helps Gail! We've been running this growth recipe around specific signals for some of the most advanced sales and marketing teams but are excited to make it accessible to everyone now!
peytøn haag
My company has struggled with pinpointing the best use cases for data/leads we normally purchase so Gravity is an absolute game changer! Have already increased response rates 4.2x since last week and no longer have to spend hours filtering through data dumps!!
Drake Dukes
@peytnhaag Thanks Pey! Job changes are key to nail timing and getting better response rates. Plus you can start relationships with prospects before your competition. ;)
Drake Dukes
@kathryn_cross1 Thanks for the support Kathryn!
Ivan Porollo
Gravity is exactly what I need to beef up my sales pipeline, excited to use it!
Drake Dukes
@ivan_porollo Thanks Ivan! If you need data, you know who to call. ;)
luis ocampo
Congrats on the launch @drake_dukes! Such an amazing product.
Drake Dukes
@luisocampox thank you Luis. Glad you had a chance to check it out as an early beta tester.
Kristen Tyrrell
Amazing opportunity to get ahead of lead generation in a unique way. Great team.
Drake Dukes
@kristen_tyrrell thank you for the support!
Benoit Chambon
Good job! Congrats on the launch!
Drake Dukes
@benoit_chambon Thanks Benoit!
Jacob Peters
Have tried almost every sales tool in existence — gravity is a fresh take on an age old problem. Bravo Drake & team!
Drake Dukes
@j__cub Thanks Jacob! You can't go to Launch House and not launch!
Nazim @Koinju
Congrats for the launch ! Look great. Is it only based on linkedin data ?
Drake Dukes
@nazim_m Thanks Nazim. We have over 50 data sources that we map and structure to create the signals. Our business has historical been custom data services but we are productizing some of the reoccurring requests. If there is something specific you need, book a demo and let's chat!
Ivanna Wendel
Looks like very interesting product!
Drake Dukes
@ivanna_wendel Thanks Ivanna!
Nathan Latka
So excited to see this live. Job changes are one of my favorite signals for knowing when SaaS founders exit (they change job title to the acquiring company). Just grabbed a plan so I can keep finding great SaaS founders to interview on my podcast! Nice touch with the "trending" list feature. Testing it out now :) Congrats @drake_dukes and @bryancolligan
Drake Dukes
@nathanlatka thanks Nathan! As you know, Private SaaS companies who hire a CFO or CRO are planning to IPO in the near future. This is a great signal you can track on our platform to stay ahead of the news.
Adam Żaczek
Love the pitch. Did you guys consider adding more events? For my case, finding companies that just posted a job offer would do the trick.
bryan colligan
@adam_zaczek Let's talk, we have done a couple experiments around job openings.
Sabina Mihutescu
Congrats on the launch! This sounds really cool for our Sales team! @drake_dukes @bryancolligan are you guys thinking about future functionalities - like an integration with HubSpot for example?
Drake Dukes
@bryancolligan @sabinastoiciu great question! We've done full CRM monitoring / cleaning in the past as a custom service. i.e keeping all the data up to date due to all the job changes that occur monthly. As far as this new platform goes, a HubSpot integration is on the road map where users can track everything between the two platforms. We think there is a lot of opportunity within HubSpot's ecosystem!
James Quinn
I do a lot of business development for my team and this would be super useful! I'll check it out
Drake Dukes
@james_afino Thanks James!
Glen Creaser
I've come to learn that timing is everything when it comes to reach out. Great job!
Drake Dukes
@glen_creaser Thanks Glen! I truly believe straight cold outreach will no longer be effective. Our communication channels will just become too saturated with noise if they aren't there already... Everyone will have to know what their "signal" is to be a more efficient seller in this age of digital sales.
George Willaman
Hell ya! Awesome team, can't wait to see what you make. Congrats on the launch
bryan colligan
@georgewillaman Game recognizes Game ! thanks for the shoutout George.