Thanks @benln for hunting us ;) We are super pumped to hear the feedback from Product Hunt community!
From day one at Growbots we strive to make salespeople and marketers’ life easier by equipping them with the best possible tools. Recently we’ve decided to solve another struggle in their day-to-day job and answer the question: what is the best time to send emails?
Some of you might say, that this was solved by numerous companies a long time ago, but, in fact, no one has ever got further than trying to establish some general rules (i.e. Tuesdays mornings are the best!!). Is it enough? I don’t think so. After all, you’d expect a CEO of a small startup to be responsive in a different way than a Director in a Fortune 500 company, right?
Thanks to the fact that we provide our customers with a huge database of potential customers and email automation tool in one place, we were able to gather enormous dataset containing information on responsiveness across different industries, countries, and departments.
Of course, we couldn’t sit on this data for too long without sharing it. To make it easily accessible, we used machine learning to create this email sending time optimizer. Go ahead and play around with it. It’s time to empower your email campaign with the right timing :)
@benln@growbots_@pietruszynski Congrats on the rollout, guys. This tool looks extremely useful. These types of benchmarks are great for identifying actionable email send time experiments.
@benln@growbots_@osbennn yes, some people say that the average positive response rate to cold emails is 1% - which is completely not true if you do it right!
Time is indeed the most critical factor for success. Looking forward to deep dive and see what we can learn with all the know-how you provide on the matter
What a great idea. I need to explore more, but this seems very smart and helpful. We write thousands of emails per week, and many remain unanswered or get answered late. Hopey this will be a solution!
Good job, guys! It always amazes me how technology is evolving so fast. Tools like this can really make a difference with newsletter based businesses.
Email is not dead at all, and I think I need to start working again on my mailing list.
@erikemanuelli thanks! A/B testing campaigns on your own can take really long time, that's why we've decided to extrapolate data from over 10M emails sent by our customers to show some larger scale benchmarks. Hope it helps!
Neat! Always incredibly useful to find stuff like this that's backed up by real data and this gives everyone a great baseline to work with. Look forward to learning more about Growbots and like Gal very interested in hearing about any future features.
Love this tool, thanks for sharing! You can find a lot of tips online for the best times to send emails, but this takes it one - or actually several - steps further. Timing is so incredibly important with emails; there are always big discrepancies in open rates depending on the day and time you send it, so this comes in very handy.
Once again, I'm loving this tool and I'll be using it for every important email I send.
Congrats on the roll-out. Coming from both sides of the marketing equation (as a startup and in PR), I know how important timing is when sending emails, especially for organizations with a diverse geographic distribution, in terms of clients and colleagues.
@jangelor I think that if people are on their emails they're not checking Facebook... but it might be a good idea to try social media outreach when the email response rate is low ;)
I've seen a lot of tools throughout the years that help with email marketing but none of them had the ability to break down the demographics so specifically. Fantastic idea!
I'll be sharing it with my friends who are in the industry.
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