Learn how to write landing pages, emails, and content that your readers actually get excited to click on, and that bring in real sales. And get the accountability with a real challenge to actually publish your work.
Hi PH friends!
I'm jazzed.
With BFCM coming up, today we're announcing the Growclass Conversion Copywriting and Content Challenge.
It's a 4-week live challenge to build your conversion copy, content marketing, email, and social copywriting skills— with built-in accountability so you'll *actually publish* your work.
Writing something that your readers will exchange minutes of their lives for is a skill.
Writing something that influences their behavior, makes them want to pull out their wallet, or book a call is an even *rarer* skill set.
That's *real* influence.
That's the skill every marketer needs to hone.
Every Tuesday we'll come together in a live workshop to build your skills, and every Thursday we'll tear up your content together as a welcoming, warm, smart community.
You'll earn points for everything you publish, and the winner will get a themed library book stack of their choice.
You'll join the kindest corner of the internet, build a real professional community, and leave with an incomparable skillset.
Did I mention our Mentors are the brilliant:
Hiba Amin, Brendan Hufford, and Tiffany DaSilva?
You couldn't find better people to spend a month with.