Growth Everywhere - How Truebill Launched on Product Hunt (1k+ Upvotes) And Netted 2,500 New Users - How Truebill got 10K signups w/out acquisition costs
@fahim_k Yup! If you listen to the podcast directly off of growtheverywhere's site you can speed up the playback. The button you need to push to change the speed is in the bottom left of the green player on this page:
Hello PHers!
Today we have Yahya Mokhtarzada, co-founder of Truebill, a software service that helps us find, track, and cancel our paid subscriptions.
We’ll be talking about how Truebill got 10,000 signups without paying customer acquisition costs, why subscription commerce is replacing traditional commerce, and how Yahya saw a pain point in managing the-ever increasing amount of subscription services that people have and developed a product to fix that pain point.