Guess the Hex
A game for designers: test your hex value skills
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Guess the Hex — A game for designers: test your hex value skills
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Battle your fellow designer buddies! I'm not a designer so I SUCK at this. h/t to @sameitzen for pointing this out - @nickmealey is the maker!
@bramk I'll give you a hint : the first two characters are for the amount of Red, the next two are for Green, and the last two for Blue :-)
Sam Eitzen
So simple, and yet I'm so bad at it. Good work Nick. Nice idea.
Nick Mealey
Hey guys, I've been working in web for a while now and I've found it fun to decode a hex color. The score is based on how fast you can guess all the colors correctly. Let me know if you have any questions.