Whether you’re a student looking to build your next project, or an entrepreneur looking to build your next startup - this list will help you get started without spending a single penny!
This is a comprehensive list of 400+ resources curated to help you build your next startup, MVP, or side hustle frugally. This list includes apps, tools, videos, podcasts, and more. Whether you’re a student looking to build your next project, or an entrepreneur looking to build your next startup - this list will help you get started without spending a single penny!
You will see:
⚡Use case
I have curated the best free resources for:
⚡Growth hacking
⚡Accounting and invoicing
⚡Collaboration tools
⚡Colour and Font schemes
⚡Design and Design inspiration
⚡Email marketing
⚡Email templates
⚡Icons and stock photos
⚡Image optimizers and editors
⚡Social media and community management
⚡Tool discovery
and more...
You can:
✔️Get free lifetime support
✔️Receive free updates
✔️Save hours of personal research
✔️Tons of money
@siddharth_shah7 Hey! Our team has scheduled your post for May 20th, 2021 12:01 AM PDT so that it can get full 24 hours coverage and a better opportunity to engage with the community :)