Hey there! We built the Small Product Lab to help people who were having trouble getting a product out into the world and making their first dollar off of it. It's a series of bite-sized lessons to hone in on a tiny product idea and ship it in 10 days. Excited to see it getting traction here! Happy to answer any questions people have.
@jjalsey This looks really powerful! Excited to see what comes as a result. How do I find out what people in this program end up launching so I can spend money I shouldn't ;)
Thanks for putting something like this. I should thank Gumroad because, that's where I started making a living by selling my own stuff. I also use Gumroad as an alternative to Stripe. (Since, Stripe, Paypal are not available in my country)
Based on my experience, I think launch day is a pretty big event for a creator. But, if you try to launch every month or may be every week that's very nice. It doesn't mean we need to launch different products, but try to launch features, articles and other goodies that create more customers or awareness.
I hope this message included in the course in somekind of a way. So, not only the person who win this contest , but everyone who participate is a winner.
Thanks so much Erik! We'll be putting together a Gumroad collections page to showcase participants, similar to this: https://gumroad.com/collections/.... I'll be sure to update you in 10 days!
@shreesha thanks! The lessons are by email. We're experimenting with a group of about 500 to participate in a Facebook group, where they have to post their assignments and progress daily. It's been very good so far - extremely active and positive and encouraging - but we had to close it to prevent it from getting overwhelming. We may do more "launches" of the course to open up groups like this again.
We'll also be hosting 3 Twitter chats over the next week with guest "mentors". You can follow along at #SmallProductLab if you'd like!
@arunoda that's extremely good advice! We spend 2/10 lessons on launching, and yup, we will be covering how you can do smaller, more frequent launches. It definitely goes with the theme of the course!
@thetylerhayes we launched the Small Product Lab with a contest (running from June 15th to June 26th) and Facebook group. We wanted the first group of participants to be able to move through the lessons together and to support each other along the way. The 10-day course and Small Product Lab community will live on beyond the contest though!
@sarunw Unfortunately, it's a little late for that. Participants needed to join the challenge by June 15th to be eligible for the contest. We can still include you in the Gumroad collection we put together to showcase products though!
@emmiliese@thetylerhayes Aww, hope I won't miss this program next time being in Facebook group and moving together seem interesting. Now I think I got 1 email delay than the others.
I loved being part of @Gumroad's second #SmallProductLab, even though I've been selling stuff online for years. Great fun, awesome community and new lessons learned :)
Just sign up and I'm in! Always want to write a book, but I have zero experienced about publishing ebook. Don't sure how far I'm gonna get with this (very)short period of time.
@sarunw Awesome. A piece of advice: pick a product that is small enough and specific enough that you can launch it in 10 days. Embrace constraint on this one!
I just succeeded in creating and launching a new product thanks to Small Product Lab. Here's the official product page: https://gumroad.com/l/Createwith...
I've been meaning to get it onto Product Hunt as well, but thought I'd give SPL an upvote. Thanks to the Gumroad team for the course! :)
@stefgonzaga there's something wrong with your link. I think there's an e missing - CreatewithTrello. Noticed the same error elsewhere, but can't remember where! Probably assignment sheet or the FB communtiy posts. Maybe you'd want to check them out...
@kimberlyds1 Thanks, Kimberly! I sought help from PH to replace the link for my own Product Hunt page. I've also edited the link in my comment above. Sorry about that and thanks for the heads-up! :)
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