Thomas Schranz ⛄️

GymBot - Facebook Messenger bot to track your training efforts

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Thomas Schranz ⛄️
Love the 🤖bot ui use cases for 🤓logging activities. Could also imagine expense tracking, note taking and much more 😅
Sebastian Deutsch
@__tosh I think the opportunities are plenty. But I'm currently focusing on the thing that I actually need. But hey maybe someone else will take care of it.
Sebastian Deutsch
Hello folks, this is Sebastian from Gymbot. When I hit the 90kg (~200lbs) I decided to go to the gym. Being the tech fella that I am I started looking for fitness apps that would help me track my progress (mostly for Android tbh) but found nothing that suited my needs. So I started to develop a clean and simple Facebook Messenger bot. It saves your exercises and delivers stats, that’s it. I would love to hear your thoughts and questions.
Mark Davies
@sippndipp ironically I thought of something similar the other week. Does it come back with suggestions for exercises based around the session or previous exercise?
Sebastian Deutsch
@mrmarkdavies not yet. It's a very simple tracking bot right now. But it's great idea and I'm definitely keep working on it.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
To support GymBot better: what would you wish the FB Messenger platform could do that it can't right now?
Sebastian Deutsch
@__tosh I've built slackbots before and the FBM plattform is definitely an upgrade due to it's generic templates (e.g. the stats). I think that the whole user onboarding could be better (greeting message, getting started button) but these are little details.
David Pichsenmeister
@sippndipp @__tosh yes, generic templates are good. I agree that Facebook should focus a bit more on things like greeting message, getting started button. Plus: Bot discovery is still a problem, furthermore, since a bot is tied to a page, it's not clear for most of the users if they are talking to a bot or the page right now, since there's no real difference
Sebastian Deutsch
@3x14159265 @__tosh so true. Discovery is a real problem.
Jan Buss
@sippndipp @3x14159265 @__tosh I think discoverability is mainly a problem if you want to browse listings and explore functionality. If you approach an interface with the action you want to perform in mind and the syntax is simple enough then I don't discoverability is much of an issue.
Jan Buss
Why did you decide to go with a bot and not a simple (small) app?
Sebastian Deutsch
@buss_jan Well, as I already mentioned I tried several apps and felt that most of them were a bit too overladen. So, when I started to work out, I was using the notes app to track my progress. This is how I developed the format for entering your exercises. I wanted to create a clean and simple tool with just some basic functions and developing a bot was way quicker that developing an app with a custom UI.
Mark Lupul
@sippndipp I completely agree. Gym apps are way too big. I formerly used gymbuddy but it's just so massive and not user-friendly when tracking workouts. Switched back to notes... Love how simple you've kept this. Well done!!
Nice Bot! It could tell you a bit earlier that you need to choose one of the exercises from the list. Any chance to add my own exercises soon?
Sebastian Deutsch
@cptmuh Good feedback. I'll update the help. Yes you can name your own exercises soon.
Daniel Thiele
Does it provide any smartness yet?
Sebastian Deutsch
@daniel_schroermeyer It's just a program at the moment, but I want to make it smarter. I'm using the bot for a few weeks now, obviously, and even got some friends to use it too. So, I was able to gather a lot of feedback. The next step to make the bot smarter would be to split up the strict format for the exercises. Currently, you have to obey a certain format (Exercise Weight/Repetitions/Sets). Splitting that up would mean that Gymbot understands that you’re working on a particular machine if you'd just type "Butterfly" and then would ask you how much weight you lifted and how many repetitions you did and so on. The ultimate goal is that Gymbot can make sense out of a variety of different formats, so the handling feels as natural and intuitive as possible.
Lucas Korol
Great idea! Congrats! Two thoughts: 1) it would be nice if I can enter data in few steps. After typing excerices bot can ask me for performance parameters (with some defaults as buttons). 2) This idea when messenger is used to track events by the users is such universal. A lot of potenial there!
Sebastian Deutsch
@lucakorol I'm working on 1) and for 2) that's why I created it in the first place.
Jean-Philippe FONG
Please add settings to change metrics :)
Sebastian Deutsch
@jean_philippe_fong the metrics are taken from your Facebook locale. But settings is definitely on our todo list.
This is amazing! I wanted something like that but for calories tracking. Are you planning to implement a feature like that? :)
Danielle Frances Chapdelaine
Loving GymBot too, @patrick91! I'm with AVA - we're actually working on a messenger integration for calorie tracking, but right now we're doing it via text. So all you have to do is text us a picture of what you're eating and we'll text a calorie count and a link to your private food journal. We're still in beta, but if you want to snag a spot on our waitlist for an invite you can go here:
Sebastian Deutsch
@danfranchap @patrick91 I'd like to get an invite too.
Sebastian Deutsch
@danfranchap You're currently # 2864 on our waiting list :-) can u help?
Mark Savchuk
Hi @sebatian - awesome bot :) But it would be super cool if you create a page with a few "example screenshots" to make it more representative.
Sebastian Deutsch
@savchukmark I'll try to do a little video to explain it.
Danielle Frances Chapdelaine
Looking good, @sippndipp! Would be cool to be able to use it in 'merica mode with pounds and miles. :)
Sebastian Deutsch
@danfranchap Actually it takes the locale from your Facebook profile but I'll provide settings soon.
Danielle Frances Chapdelaine
@sippndipp I noticed that in my GymBot journal later on! I missed it at first because language in the responses from the bot doesn't reflect your location considerations. Very cool. :)
Sebastian Deutsch
@danfranchap localizing a bot is a lot of work. I guess units is a good 80/20 tradeoff.
Stephan Schmidt
I like the clean and simple, but powerful (lot's of data) style. Also obviously love bots!
Samir Doshi
need all the help I can get at the gym --- great product!
Atin Batra (AB)
Hey! Love the idea. Used it to log a treadmill run, but it took the distance as m instead of km (as in example). Made me think - could I edit my log?
Sebastian Deutsch
@batraatin On my list.
Frank Schulz

shows training statistics


provides fine trainings routines and tracks them automatically

funny responses if you diss the bot


there is no timer for breaks between sets