Michael FitzGerald

Habi - Build habits. Change your life.

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ben Watanabe
Looks nice! Having a morning routine to prevent decision fatigue before even opening the door is a great way to go. I really like how @NathanBarry's Commit approaches this showing you how big of a chain you've accomplished. Lots of times once you've got a good momentum going you can tell yourself, "I deserve a day off." His really counteracts this great. http://www.producthunt.com/tech/...
Michael FitzGerald
@benwtnb Thanks Ben. Habi I guess extends on @NathanBarry's concept with habit 'stacks'. BTW... there's an option in Habi to have stats on each habit.
Sam Dickie
App seems to keep crashing with me, can't seem to open it on iOS9
Michael FitzGerald
@samdickie87 Sorry to hear that. We're looking into it. iOS 9 was released while our app was being reviewed by Apple.
Michael FitzGerald
Forgot to give an overview, so here goes... Where Habi came from: I like mornings, especially when others are sleeping, I feel I'm stealing a march on the day. The best days I have are the ones when I go through a morning routine (or habit stack) that includes stretches (DIY yoga), sit-ups, reading, and planning my day. From actually doing this and also giving some talks on "carving out a new slice of time in your day" (see my Techgate talk in 2014 http://www.slideshare.net/micfit... ), I decided to create an app for it. Standard todo apps were just not fitting the role as they had too many reminders/notifications for each habit in the stack. And apps like Coach.me, while they are nice, they were overkill for simple reminders like "Take vitamins." Hope this gives a good background. Thanks to all for giving the time to check out Habi and give feedback and vote. Mic.