Looks nice! Having a morning routine to prevent decision fatigue before even opening the door is a great way to go.
I really like how @NathanBarry's Commit approaches this showing you how big of a chain you've accomplished. Lots of times once you've got a good momentum going you can tell yourself, "I deserve a day off." His really counteracts this great. http://www.producthunt.com/tech/...
Forgot to give an overview, so here goes...
Where Habi came from: I like mornings, especially when others are sleeping, I feel I'm stealing a march on the day. The best days I have are the ones when I go through a morning routine (or habit stack) that includes stretches (DIY yoga), sit-ups, reading, and planning my day.
From actually doing this and also giving some talks on "carving out a new slice of time in your day" (see my Techgate talk in 2014 http://www.slideshare.net/micfit... ), I decided to create an app for it. Standard todo apps were just not fitting the role as they had too many reminders/notifications for each habit in the stack. And apps like Coach.me, while they are nice, they were overkill for simple reminders like "Take vitamins."
Hope this gives a good background. Thanks to all for giving the time to check out Habi and give feedback and vote. Mic.
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