Matej Plavevski

Hack Club Hackathons - Discover and join high school Hackathons near you 👩‍💻


A neat web app from Hack Club that showcases all the upcoming high school hackathons around you 🚀

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Ryan Hoover
Nice work, @lachlan, @maxwofford, and @zachlatta. What are you planning to add to the site next? It could be fun to see photos or projects from past hackathons.
Zach Latta
Wow! I am so sorry for the delay here, been on the road visiting clubs and just now catching up with notifications - what a treat to see this on Product Hunt. Hack Club, the non-profit the three of us are involved in, facilitates a network of student-led computer science clubs at high schools all across the world (30 states and 13 countries!). As our community has grown, so has interest in hosting and participating in student hackathons, but there's a huge challenge - they're almost impossible to find. That's where we hope this site can jump in and help student hackers - both those in clubs and those who aren't yet. One of the things I'm most excited about is the potential to do follow-up with events - I'm hoping to include attendance of past events, highlights from the photo archives, and a mailing list that will notify hackers of upcoming events near them. At the end of the day, coding is probably the closest thing we have today to a superpower and our goal with Hack Club (and this site!) is to ensure that as many students as possible have the opportunity to unleash it.
Gianluca Rispo
Just wondering, did you develop it from scratch or used some sort of no code app?