João Ventura

hackatrack - Say goodbye to stress and unproductivity in hackathons


Our mission is to reduce stress and improve productivity in hackathons with an status update platform in which all the teams share their progress with all the mentors, so they can give precise mentoring at the right moment, keeping everyone in the same page

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João Ventura
Hi PH! 👋 After participating in several hackathons, I am attending my first online and as part of the process I needed to repost the project here, so I hope you enjoy it 😊 The challenge was to improve the experience of participants and mentors during the hackathon and having participated in so many, what hurt me the most was mentoring. Every hour a group of mentors with great knowledge came to my team and I had told them how things are going and get great feedback, then another group of mentors came again to my team and I had to say everything again, creating a cycle of precarious mentoring 😰 That's why we created hackatrack, a platform that connects everyone in the hackathon. Each team can update their status sharing good or bad news with the mentors, with that, every group can receive precise feedback based on their status. The mentors can also update team status, giving even more information so others mentorships take less time and are more assertive 🤩 Hackatrack app is ready for launch! We are waiting for store review and as soon as we are on we will share the link with you guys. In the meantime, you can download the project on github 🤓 We are happy to receive feedback and answer any Qs about the project and its future! :)
Carlos Tim
Matheus Breguêz
WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooW, eu já fui participante e mentor em algumas edições de Startup Weekend e com toda certeza esse produto é sensacional para esse tipo de evento. Como posso ajudar? Não achei o GitHub do projeto :/
Samuel Mataraso
@matheusrv Olá, tudo bem? Bom saber desses pontos 😃! O link do Github está na parte de cima, mais vou deixar aqui pra vc caso queira 😉
Dan Ventura
Utiliti Dev
Great work
Lhuan Gonçalves
Parabéns ficou muito fera o app!!!
Paul McCartney Silva Pessoa
a plataforma é bastante intuitiva, funcional. Recomendo.