Storm Farrell

The Noonies - Tech Industry Awards by Hacker Noon

Welcome to Hackernoon's First Annual Noonies - where everything's democratic and your votes are the only things that matter. Built to pay digital tribute to the noteworthy peoples and products and of the internets, and to build some hype for Hackernoon 2.0.

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David Smooke
***Tonight is the Noonies, the annual tech awards here at Hacker Noon. And this is everybody's favorite day. Everybody looks forward to it, because, you know, a lot of the people here don't get trophies, very often*** It's like Dundies. But for tech awards. Hacker Noon hasn't done awards before and I thought it was a good time to say, why not? Anything that is inspired by The Office is worth making. You can nominate people on each award for another week, and editors will consider adding. Checking daily. Anyone can vote once on each award. Voting will last one month. Some of my favorite awards are: * The World's Most Productive Remote Team: "Free-range humans for the win." * Crypto-Name Drop of the Year: "When someone mainstream discovers cryptocurrencies and starts fawning over it" * Best Developer on Twitter. "K.I.S.S. sources for outrage and cutting-edge release announcements." Was great to built this microsite with @stormfarrell, @kientdao, & @itsnatashanel. I think Storm's experience building voting apps, Kien's pixelated design and Natasha's sense of humor shine through. It's a fun way to vote on tech. Would be great to learn from you all how we could make a better experience. Thanks for taking a minute to check out The Noonies. 🗳️➡️
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
@stormfarrell @itsnatashanel @davidsmooke can we also have a voting website for features for Hackernoon2.0?
David Smooke
@stormfarrell @itsnatashanel @arthur_tkachenko that would be really cool. Was looking at the other day for something like this.
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
@stormfarrell @itsnatashanel @davidsmooke we discussed a voting system at "features thread" while ago
Storm Farrell
Hello there 👋 There's not much more to say on the app, so I'll just describe about the stack here. React, Apollo, Next.js, GraphQL, Prisma, Heroku, Yoga, or... RANGPHY! Needs a better acronym. And no, there's no ad tracking. Calm down. We're just keeping a tally of your votes.
Ouriel Ohayon
big fan of what David does. been contributing and reading regularly
David Smooke
@ourielohayon Thanks Ouriel! Appreciate publishing your crypto insights
Mahbod Moghadam
(ps I think this should be the theme song of the Noonies: ) - Luniz + Noonies!
David Smooke
@mahbod_moghadam haha maybe we should autoplay it like myspace in the old days?
Mahbod Moghadam
This is BRILLIANT! I love the name - the Smooke family is creating one of the most vibrant and LOVING tech communities on the internet. What I love about is that our community bridges Silicon Valley and crypto - I can seriously think of no other community that accomplishes this feat! Also in terms of tech, the Noonies voting platform seemed quite slick! I'm very excited about the move away from Medium and everything the future holds for Hacker Noon!
Nick Parsons
Woo! #epic
Jun Gong
❤️Hacker Noon community and 👍 the idea of "proof-of-vote"!
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
I like it! Maybe code for it can be also opensourced, so other people that want to have a similar awards system can benefit from it?
David Smooke
@arthur_tkachenko Could be an interesting way for this project to go. Voting functions can help a site in a lot of different ways. For now, trying to keep it simple, work on making a better site, and have fun with the Noonies.
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
Do you have a mascot for Noonies? name is similar to minions
Jason Mill
Love the idea. Been a big fan and contributing writer for Hacker Noon for a long time now. Have voted across a bunch of the different categories. Also super stoked to see our CMS Flamelink make it into the "CMS You Cant Live Without" Category Nice one Team Hacker Noon. *applause*