
Hackero - An unbiased reader for Hacker News

by• combines all the greatest Hacker News sources on the internet in one single stream.

It does this without any rating or magic-unicorn algorithm, you get the your news as unbiased as possible.

Give Hackero a try and you will see, how it keeps you up to date with the tech world in a lot less time, than you needed before!

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San Kumar
Very slick design. I'm going to set this as my homepage! P.S. A feature to remove read stories by swiping right would be awesome!
@bhatnagar_san Thanks for that compliment :D I would remove them automatically, for read ones (so if you click on one, it would be removed). Would be even better, wouldn't it?
San Kumar
@eu_frey yes that sounds even better! Swiping can be helpful if there is some news story that I just don't to read (too off topic for me). Can we have both :)
@bhatnagar_san Okay it is kinda implemented :D Currently the visited entries are faded out. I will wait for more feedback if we should remove them completly. Do you like it? As I have only native javascript without a library in there, it is hard to do the swipe thing, so it will maybe become a button or so.
San Kumar
@eu_frey they're not fading out on my mobile (chrome android). I think jQuery can be good for making the swipe though a button is just as good. The site is very slick and now I understand the reason, you're not using heavy frameworks!
Carlos Branco
Do you plan to create native app ?
@carlos_branco Maybe if the traction is big enough. Currently 2/3 are desktop users. My next step will be to make it work better as web app (caching the news list for example) so you can use it in that way. A native app is a lot of work, that I am at the moment not willing to invest in this free to use project :)
Hey lovely hunters out there! Please let me know what you think about Hackero and if something is missing for making it the best possible experience for you <3
Are there any news sources you are missing?
simon_frey_eu now also has the option to switch between the top posts and the most recent ones! Still without a biased algorithm! All your hacker news sources are equal!