hey folks, Sebastiaan here. I did the design of Halide, with Ben doing the incredibly great engineering of the app.
Halide is an opinionated, different take on a camera app. We found smartphone cameras have improved massively over the years, but the shooting experience hasn’t. The built-in camera app is a little too simple, while advanced apps feel like an airplane cockpit. We needed an elegant app for deliberate and thoughtful photography, so we built Halide.
I hope you enjoy all the little touches in it, and let us know what you think! Sadly we can't offer a discount for PH users on the App Store, but I will send extra good vibes to anyone here :)
@duarteosrm@migratwit I was being a bit facetious 😝. Seems like the #1 asked question/demand from the PH 2.0 community. From a product dev standpoint I follow the mantra "build iOS first, Android much, much later".
@tollerton not as of yet. You can achieve incredible exposures with manual control and RAW, but HDR merging is Apple's proprietary thing and we'll have to build our own.
Been beta testing Halide for a few weeks here; The attention to detail for things that unexpectedly yet significantly enhance my shooting experience is amazing, i.e. grid tiles that softly light up when your camera is level.
As a novice photographer who wants something more than the system camera app, but feels overwhelmed w/ advanced camera apps, Halide hits the sweet spot 👌
This is glorious! I've been longing for a way to unleash the full potential of my iPhone camera. Love the manual focus, ISO, and shutter speed control, with intuitive gestures. Hats off to you fellas! 👏 Extraordinary work.
I'm not a photographer, but this app is making me feel like one. Super slick design, easy to use, and a (from what I can gather) top notch set of features.
Congratulations, guys!
I've been testing Halide for a few weeks now and I love it! It provides super fast access to more powerful features without adding complexity. Highly recommended 🙌
@jbschaff we are going to post tutorials on Halide and general photography to our Twitter account, @halidecamera. So that could be worth checking out if you're interested!
@sdw Does Halide take shots after the finger is released from the button or when the button is touched, like the regular Camera app from Apple? What additional features are planned? Slow shutter and burst mode? Aspect ratio selection? A seperate leveler without the grid?
Great attention to detail throughout this app, even with a custom font ('Halide Router'). Two features stand out to me over Manual camera: photo triage (swipe to fave or delete photos) and focus peaking (peeking?).
The introductory Medium post is worth a read.
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