Meghan Murphy

HandUp Gift Cards - Give directly to a homeless neighbor on the street


HandUp lets you donate essentials like toiletries, clothes, and housing directly to homeless individuals in your neighborhood.

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Meghan Murphy
We are really excited to share this new product that bridges our online and offline giving. Two years ago HandUp launched as a way to donate to people in need through our site. What we heard from you, our donors, is that you also wanted a way to give directly on the street. When you give a neighbor in need a HandUp Gift Card, you’re giving something more valuable than cash. The recipient redeems the card with local nonprofit partner Project Homeless Connect for goods and services, where they can learn about other available resources like housing or healthcare. We're here to answer any questions you might have!
Frank Denbow
@megmurph This is awesome. Great work! Is there an opportunity to buy in bulk (more than 6)?
Meghan Murphy
@frankdenbow yes absolutely! We've already been working with some great local companies who are using these for employee engagement. Anyone can email me ( or
Peter Watts
@megmurph Love this. I'm curious what % of cards are typically claimed? It would be nice if you got replacement cards if they were unclaimed, so you could give to someone else. This way, 100% of your donation goes to people you personally interacted with (which is the main appeal of HandUp vs other charities for me).
Anton Troynikov
This seems super paternalistic - why not give the homeless cash?
Meghan Murphy
@atroyn These Gift Cards are just one of many different ways you could give to a homeless neighbor. You could give cash, buy someone a coffee, share a meal, purchase a Street Sheet (newspaper), etc. For some, it's uncomfortable to give cash or they want to be sure they are helping in the right way. Gift Cards are something with tangible (and flexible) value that also helps recipients learn about other available services. We've seen really positive reception in the community since we started testing these cards about 6 months ago.
Jacob Hobbie
@atroyn Well, as a Kansan, people here do not like to give direct cash to peoples on the street because there's an unknown factor. We don't know whether the person will actually take the cash and spend it on groceries and food etc, or if they'll go buy alcohol. Plus there have been reports of people dressing up homeless and making a profit from people giving to them. So honestly, HandUp in places like here in Kansas would be a great way for people's kindness to be shown while making an impact in our homeless community.
David McGraw
@atroyn When you're away from bigger cities, which often require cash in several places, there is almost no reason to carry any. I'd be happy to run to an ATM or pick up some things for someone hanging around Target, but that's rarely an option. It would be a nice win if I could carry a couple of these cards in my wallet. Plus, as @megmurph points out, this is a great opportunity to lead folks toward other services that would help.
Billy Chasen
@linkchef I always try to give food for this reason and usually ask them what they want and buy it. But, you can't stop someone from getting what they want. They'll just get a bit more creative and sell these cards for cash at less than face value.
Jacob Hobbie
@billychasen True as well. Always good to have new ideas trying to fix these problems though! (I generally do the food thing myself now)
Phillip Yang
I just saw your product featured on VentureBeat. Amazing stuff! Will you do a Product Hunt Live AMA? Would love to hear your back story.
Meghan Murphy
@geeky_yang Thanks Phillip! We'd love to do an AMA sometime - the founding story of HandUp with @Rosical and @ZacWitte is definitely interesting.
Phillip Yang
@megmurph awesome! please let me know when it happens, I will definitely join.
Tyler Hayes
I like this a lot. I built a charity aggregator when I was younger for fun—I read a lot of research that said donating cash directly to people on the street, in crisis areas, or living poverty was not advised. There were many reasons for this. It was recommended you instead donate to an organization with strong oversight and a track record. I like that HandUp Gift Cards bridge that gap: HandUp makes sure the person gets assistance they need, the funds are spent wisely, and I can again feel like I'm helping.
Meghan Murphy
@thetylerhayes Thank you Tyler! If you still have any of that research it would be cool to read it. It's good to hear you feel that way - that was our goal. If you have other thoughts or feedback please don't hesitate to share it.
Tyler Hayes
@megmurph The majority of the best stuff came from
Meghan Murphy
@thetylerhayes thank you!
@thetylerhayes I did a ton of research on the abuses of both ends of giving also. Non profits that do little to giving cash to people that don't use it well. I never give cash I will take someone to eat though. I was going to start something a lot like this to take charity back to the neighborhood, the people, but I have been learning to build it for 2 years now lol I'm a slow learner. Glad someone is trying
It's great the givers get notified if the card was used. Fights that feeling of wondering if you're making any impact at all.
Meghan Murphy
@weenjeem thanks Wilton, we'll also send a notification if the recipient sets up a HandUp profile. That way you can continue to contribute and follow along with their progress.
so proud to have been the first investor in HandUP.....
David McGraw
This is such a great addition. I've walked the tricky path of explaining HandUp to the homeless people I see. Having something like this would be far easier & manageable. Hope this works out well & you're able to expand your reach! Best of luck!
Meghan Murphy
@xmcgraw It's nice to hear this feedback specifically, thank you for your support David!
Fred Rivett
This is amazing. Literally just yesterday I was talking to @mikeaag about a very similar idea, so glad someone has started this! Makes total sense. Great work 😀
Meghan Murphy
@fredrivett Thank you Fred!
Jordan Nemrow
I can see where @r0bl0rd is coming from, as I have spent countless hours thinking about how to best fix this issue. I do however applaud @megmurph for this approach. It might not be the ultimate solution to the problem, but if you can at least help those in need in smaller ways, as we all work towards a larger solution, it helps us get there. Is the company itself a non-profit? Just curious, I wont judge. :)
Meghan Murphy
@nemrow absolutely - homelessness is a complicated issue. We don't claim to be the silver bullet solution as it takes a community working together to end homelessness, but we are one way to make an impact. We are a Public Benefit Corporation, which means for profit with a legal commitment to social impact. You can read a little more about why HandUp chose this model here:
Sam Wu
Awesome partnership with google! You guys are kicking ass.
Meghan Murphy
@insamshead Thanks Sam :)
Joshua Brueckner
Is this SF only? If so, any plans for NYC?
Meghan Murphy
@jabrueckner Currently HandUp Gift Cards are only in SF, but we'll expand in the future. As for online giving we do have partners in Detroit, Washington State, and Oregon State (
Brian Clark
Best product I've seen all year! Love this
Meghan Murphy
@blaurenceclark Thank you Brian!
Rob Lord
I totally don't get this. I understand how handing out cash could be worse by being spent on alcohol, drugs, etc. Other than the 8% overhead, whom can receive the card value? What goods/service do the people in need/card bearers receive? What reporting goes to the card purchaser? Seem to me this encourages panhandling. Street behavior needs to be cleaned up, not exacerbated as Supervisor Scott Wiener put eloquently in his Medium post: "Homelessness and street behavior are eternal issues in San Francisco, on par with Muni’s ups and downs and the perpetual and real anxiety around housing costs. I use the terms “homeless” and “street behavior” separately because, while there’s overlap, they aren’t the same thing. We see plenty of awful street behavior by people who aren’t homeless, and there are many homeless people we never, ever see on our streets, who don’t cause problems for anyone, and who would never engage in the anti-social street behavior so common in our city. It’s important not to broad-brush or stereotype homeless people and to instead focus on providing people with the support they need to succeed while at the same time having zero tolerance for awful behavior by some people — whether or not they are homeless — on our streets." Helping the Homeless Doesn’t Mean Anything Goes on San Francisco’s Streets by Supervisor Scott Wiener
Meghan Murphy
@r0bl0rd Hi Rob - I hear you on these concerns and hopefully I can try to answer them all. Whom can receive the card value? A donor would give a gift card to a homeless neighbor - this might be someone they see asking for help on the street, maybe someone they already know in their neighborhood, maybe a Street Sheet vendor. Maybe the recipient isn't living on the street, but currently living in an SRO where by the end of the month a $25 gift card would help them eat for a few days, allowing them bypass waiting in line for food at the Glide dining hall. Whoever receives the card will redeem it at the drop-in office of Project Homeless Connect. What goods/service do the people in need/card bearers receive? Project Homeless Connect keeps a variety of retail gift cards on hand like Walgreens (limited under 18 card), Safeway (limited under 18 card), Goodwill, Marshalls. Recipients could also use it toward something like a cell phone bill. If the recipient is interested in creating a profile on to fundraise for a larger goal, they may move the $25 value there. What reporting goes to the card purchaser? Once your card is redeemed with Project Homeless Connect you will get an email letting you how it was used. I can tell you, people don't panhandle because they want to. From the community of homeless people we work with, we hear that people only panhandle when there is literally no other option. The goal of this Gift Card is to provide people with tangible goods that might open up an opportunity to meet another basic need. For example, instead of waiting in line for food they could go to St. Anthony's Tech Lab and work on their job search. Thanks for sharing Scott Wiener's post, I hadn't seen it yet! Yes he seems to be recommending we do not exacerbate dangerous "street behavior" however his clear call to action ---> "So, San Francisco, you want our street situation to change? Then, continue to support progressive and forward-looking investments in shelter, supportive housing, navigation centers, and mental health and addiction services. Continue to support the absolutely amazing social service nonprofits that actually get people off our streets, into the services they need, and on track." We're proud to work closely with some of these progressive programs like the Navigation Center, Bevan Dufty's Office of HOPE, and 15 nonprofits across the Bay Area.
@megmurph @r0bl0rd there are people that panhandle to make a living, unfortunately they make it harder than all the others, just like welfare cheaters, disability fraud, and so on do.
Paul Murphy
Like many on this thread, I've wanted to do something like this for years, created concepts and prototypes... but ran into hurdle after hurdle and couldn't find feasible way past. I realize this is still early days, but it looks like you've figured out an awesome way to keep this simple and achieve the objective. Congratulations, I can't wait to see this grow.
michal Naka
This is awesome. I've been looking for something that is a step further than just giving cash to our homeless neighbors. I hope it comes to Portland soon!
Meghan Murphy
@michalnaka Thanks Michal - we're focused on SF for now but will expand in the future, stay tuned.
Elizabeth M.
Meghan, I applaud your effort and good work. And I admire your enthusiasm. Poverty is a multifaceted challenge. There isn't just one magic solution. Not all of them are addicts and not all of them have mental disabilities. For many years, the majority of the homeless population was children. I've been in the poverty policy/law field for over 12 years. I currently work at the 3rd largest non profit law firm in the U.S. and I serve on the Board of Directors for a different state-wide non-profit Organization that advocates for individuals with physical and mental disabilities. I think your project adds a different delivery system for awesome (and empathy) to the world. Isn't the purpose of innovation to increase the awesomeness in the world? Keep up the hard work. 😀
Meghan Murphy
@leasemolina Thank you so much for those kind words Elizabeth. You are correct, there is not just one solution to poverty and we aim to be a tool that supports impactful organizations already serving these communities. It sounds like you focus much of work on homelessness as well and sending much applause your way too!
This is inspiring -- kudos to you and your team. I had discussed a similar idea with with some colleagues last year. One of our concerns was the possible proliferation of a second market for cards like this, therefore decreasing the effectiveness and goal of such a program. I know several people that carry with them bus tokens and $5 McDonald's gift cards specifically to give to those in need. At the same time, it is not incredibly uncommon for a homeless individual to engage someone on the street to sell the bus token or gift card back at a discount in exchange for cash -- then to be used for any purpose (of which one may speculate could include drugs or alcohol). This of course defeats the original giver's intent. Has this been a concern with HandUP? If so, how have you or do you plan to address a second market?
Meghan Murphy
@daniellevine Great question and a valid concern. First the gift card itself is only worth value once redeemed through our nonprofit partner Project Homeless Connect - the recipient must visit their drop-in center to redeem the card. The recipient can decide what they redeem the HandUp Gift Card for, which could be retailer gift card like Goodwill or used toward a bill. But the primary goal of gift cards is to connect people experiencing homelessness with beneficial services. In this way, transparency and accountability are built into the gift card system and we will continue to evolve these system as the program expands. So far we've seen really positive impact in the community.
@daniellevine great thought but I continue to wonder when helping the needy becomes more important than not helping them to avoid cheaters. Non profits account for 7% of our GDP, do you think they are doing all they can with it?
Kimberly Mandl
love it Is this done in Boston ma? we have lots of homeless here and i would love to help
Kristina Savina
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