Nathan Baschez

Hardbound - Stories for curious minds


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Nathan Baschez
Hey Product Hunt! You may have seen some of our stories on here, but I'm so excited to finally share our app with you! When you try it, I think you'll agree it's a way better experience than reading on the web. Fullscreen makes a *huge* difference. Joe and I would love to hear your feedback! Thanks!! PS - I wrote more about what we're doing here: PPS - I talked even more about what we're doing on a podcast here:
Ben Tossell
@nbashaw Ive seen quite a few Hardbound stories and I just love the format! I spoke with Nathan a while ago when I met him in NYC and he popped me on the beta. I could see this going further than stories - onboarding, recaps, even pitch decks ๐Ÿ˜› The more we try to tell stories, the more need there is for this type of platform. I also think (as per a discussion we had about what the hell happened with e-books) that for our smartphone formats, e-books aren't ideal... its way easier for each of us to consume a tweet, a blog post, etc (small 'wins') - An e-book is longer, harder to digest, especially if on a commute and stop-starting etc. Something like Hardbound works perfectly here. I really do think this will be huge
Matteo Pasuto
@nbashaw I have to say this is pretty dope. I like pretty much everything of it. Best app regarding stories on iOS for sure in my opinion.
Nathan Baschez
@matteo_pasuto wow, thanks so much!!
@nbashaw congrats on releasing @hardbound. the most interesting thing about this product to me is that its focus is not on rapidfire and random dopamine hits, but rather on high quality visual content where people actually learn something. i enjoy hardbound like i enjoy a newspaper -- over a cup of coffee or breakfast where i can put in my full concentration and feel like i've been productive. (i'm also psyched you use an sms-bot for the new story notifications...obviously)
Nathan Baschez
@matthartman @hardbound thanks so much! You've been an enormous help - we wouldn't be the same without you!
Ryan Hoover
I've been watching Hardbound since it was a rough prototype on @nbashaw's phone. It now feels like something he would make -- polished and elegantly simple. @nbashaw, how do you decide what stories to create and how important is it to get people on your platform creating stories?
Nathan Baschez
@rrhoover thanks so much!! I learned a lot of it from you! hahaha I'd definitely say the hardest part so far has been deciding what stories to make. It's been a huge learning process and honestly I could write a whole blog post on it. The short version is that I think the stories work best when it's about something I'm genuinely curious about. If I get too caught up in targeting something for an imaginary audience (e.g. "let's make a story that startup people will be into") it hasn't worked nearly as well as when we've just followed our curiosity. In the long run, it's super important that we get other people on our platform creating stories. But for now we're mostly focused on just creating awesome stories and earning a reputation for quality. If we can do that, I think we'll be alright.
Sar Haribhakti
Entire PH community must download this app for three reasons. First, it is probably one of the most freshly designed apps that have launched in a while. Second, It's not just a new app but a new story telling format. Third, PH community *might* not exist if it weren't for @rrhoover and Nathan's friendship (๐Ÿ˜…).
Nathan Baschez
@sarthakgh haha thank you so much!!
Hugo Fauquenoi
Already a big fan of the content Hardbound is pushing to my phone. I'm confident it's going to change quite a bit how we consume stuff on mobile. Have a great launch guys!
Nathan Baschez
@hfauq thank you so much, Hugo! All your feedback and support over the last few months has meant a lot to us!!
Julie Chabin
Hardbound is the best app I installed on my phone this year. Seriously, it has interesting content, it's well presented and makes things easy to understand. Already a big fan!
Nathan Baschez
@syswarren whoa that is high praise, thank you!!
Ryan Gilbert
I loved being a part of the early Hardbound beta! Hardbound quickly became one of my favorite apps on my phone. The stories are entertaining and educational (with amazing visuals ๐Ÿ”ฅ). Great work Nathan, Joe, and everyone else who worked to get Hardbound to this point!
Nathan Baschez
@ryangilbert thanks so much!!
Adam Marx
Hey Nathan, congrats on a great launch! I love the ethos behind Hardbound and what it seems you all are trying to achieve. I share similar notions of media dynamics with regard to music and video especially. One thing I highly recommend everyone here do is to head to Medium and read Nathan's post: In particular, I'd pay special attention to how concepts of media evolution are discussed within the context of history, and how new types of media production, distribution, and evolution rise in new eras of tech innovation. I'm particularly bullish on these concepts because I see it so dramatically mirrored in music, among other media formats. Hardbound seems, at the very least, a great experiment at what new media styles can be constructed and popularized in this period of media flux. I'm excited to see the possibilities, awesome job! My own response to Nathan's post here:
Nathan Baschez
@adammarx13 thanks so much!!
Nagarjun Palavalli
Curious - Android? Web?
Nathan Baschez
@palavalli web! if you sign up at you will get notifs for all of our new stories, and you can see some of our existing ones
Abhilash Jain
This is amazing :) please come up with an android version as well. @oneyenjug @nbashaw
Nathan Baschez
@iabhilashj @oneyenjug it's on the roadmap!
Erik Torenberg
Congrats Nathan and team! If you could have any writer make a hardbound story, who would it be? :)
Eric Willis
Awesome app. Congrats on the launch.
Nathan Baschez
@erictwillis thank you so much!
Juho S
The future of E-book for the ever decreasing attention spans. +1
Nathan Baschez
@juhslk thanks!
Sumeet Shah
First learned about Hardbound thanks to @beccabigwords when she did her VR story. Absolutely love the app. Moved to my home page with my other readers (Flipboard, Longform, Pocket, New Stand, theSkimm). Way to go, @nbashaw!
Nathan Baschez
@pe_feeds @beccabigwords thank you so much!!
Matthew Willis
Congrats @nbashaw! Have been a big fan of this since the beta launched in January. The mission reminds me of this question posed by @benedictevans: "If you could port your product onto the desktop web, is it really native to mobile?" It's going to be so interesting to watch truly mobile first storytelling and content creation evolve. For e.g YouTube is an incredibly successful mobile product. But it's not THE native mobile video product. Snapchat is. That's because it's built for mobile first creation and consumption (for e.g. mobile video editing, AR, tap-to-skip stories, portrait video, overlaying emoji's etc), in the process empowering 10-100 million more people than ever before to create daily video. Likewise mobile websites and reading text on the web can be considered an incredibly successful mobile product, but Hardbound offers this more native experience with tap-to-progress, portrait optimized and awesome, visually compelling animations. Maybe best of all, these tools can enable the creation of new types of content verticals in the future, especially once they open up an editor. Super excited to watch this grow.
Nathan Baschez
@mattsappstv @benedictevans thank you so much!!
Alex Marshall
I absolutely love Hardbound stories. Definitely the best thing about Thursdays! The content is so unusual but so easy to digest
Nathan Baschez
@marsh931 Thank you so much!! Haha we do have quirky topics
Jordan Gonen
Woot. Super excited for this official launch! These stories are super fun and educational. Perhaps the best way to learn something new.
Nathan Baschez
@jrdngonen thanks so much! excited to put out the story we've been scheming on together :)
Peter Frank
Super pumped to see Hardbound in the app store, and look forward to more stories. These are like the best of those "How Stuff Works" books coming alive in my hand. I feel like I'm walking through the story vs. flipping a page, which is just a fundamentally new and awesome way to learn and experience content. Congrats Nathan and Joe!
Nathan Baschez
@peterkimfrank thank you so much!! you've been with us since the beginning :)
I love how this creates a new format of content consumption. Kinda like what Vox did for media, but this goes way further. @nbashaw will the content also be available on web or in-app?
Nathan Baschez
@levelsio thanks so much! it works on the web too!
I wrote a story for Hardbound and, above all, found it to be an incredibly fun experienceโ€”it was kind of like a mix between writing a blog post and scripting a short film/documentary. There are definitely constraints, but the constraints are productive: they force you to be creative (and visual) in getting a point across. I'm excited for the creators/writers/storytellers who are going to stretch the Hardbound format and have a lot of fun in the process. Kudos to @nbashaw and the team!!!
Nathan Baschez
@bhayyar thanks so much, it was awesome working with you!!
Rui Delgado
Congratulations, Nathan! I've been a fan of Hardbound since @nbashaw released the beta. I highly recommend this app, it's perfect when you're waiting for the train.
Nathan Baschez
@rui thank you!