Hasura helps developers and organisations build and ship modern applications & APIs faster by making data instantly accessible over a realtime GraphQL & REST APIs.
Thanks @kevin for hunting us!
The makers of this product and this release is every single member of the team at Hasura! On behalf of all of us, I'm thrilled to announce the release of Hasura GraphQL Engine 2.0 🎉
We launched Hasura in July 2018 as a GraphQL engine on Postgres. In a little over 2 years, we have crossed a *100M in downloads* of our open source graphql engine, and seen adoption across all kinds of developers and companies.
Hasura 2.0 is our most significant release since first launched, and is also entirely backwards compatible with Hasura 1.x. With 85 releases of Hasura in the last 2 years, we've endeavoured to never break user facing APIs and this major release is another checkpoint in ensuring that users get new features without having to refactor their work.
Hasura 2.0 captures fundamental changes inside the GraphQL engine that allows Hasura to serve the needs of a much larger class of mission critical applications.
Highlights from Hasura 2.0:
• Connect Hasura to multiple databases simultaneously (and support for SQL Server & Big Query in addition to Postgres)
• Instant REST APIs, in addition to GraphQL
• Enhanced authorization for all your data, including remote GraphQL APIs
• High Availability & Distributed Ops - Reliability & Scalability (aka prevent GraphQL is the single point of failure related problems)
You can read more about the release in our announcement blogpost here: https://hasura.io/blog/announcin... and join us for a live demo-driven webinar on 4th of March by signing up here: https://hasura.info/3qRkMTP
If you're new to GraphQL and want to learn more, we have a hub of information available at https://hasura.io/graphql/.
We're around if you have any questions for us!
👌Amazing product, I've been using Hasura for quite a time now for small and large projects and it simply amazes me with every new release. Hasura Cloud is also great, support is very helpful and nice🙏
Hasura has allowed me to achieve things not possible in any other platform in record time over the past couple years. With the advancements in H2.0, I'll be able to replace the rest of my legacy systems and replace them with subscribe-able GQL + Rest + Hosted Functions and record-and-column level permissions.
Hi @james_afino. We have an active developer community on discord - at hasura.io/discord. We also have other support options for our cloud & enterprise customers that you can find here: https://hasura.io/pricing/#faq
I am still evaluating Hasura for my next project (starting in a few days ... !), but these updates sound great !
When engine v2 will be available on the Cloud offer ?
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