Sweet! So many ideas and finally a place to land them. Also cool to see ideas that I've had similar thoughts on, while getting some instant feedback on how the wider group feels about them. Keep up the good work!
There's a few new UI mechanics that are equal parts annoying and interesting. For the main product voting screen, having THE ENTIRE screen shift based on the vote is visually confusing (annoying) and hard to get used to. Particularly if you're trying to encourage high throughput screening (implied by arrow key driven voting).
@ryanstellar I agree on this front for the desktop app as well. I was a bit confused on what to do and upvoted or downvoted (I'm not sure) someone's post that I didn't get a chance to read because I was trying to scroll to see more. I get it now, but it was a little awkward .
@elizabethhunker Yes, it is! But, instead of being more about getting users and being seen, we're focused on providing great feedback and quick, easy validation and analytics.
Whats the story here?
I think that there is definitely a gap for this pre-idea/idea stage but I'm yet to see a product that really nails it on the head and does really well. We've had a few similar products in this space but curious to hear your thoughts.
@bentossell We started working on the idea as undergrads; our fellow students and professors didn't have a way to experiment with and grow idea-stage concepts. This meant that, often, potentially bright ideas went by the way-side. This ultimately led us to build Hatchli. Our unique value comes from being able to get quick real-time feedback on your idea and simultaneously discuss how to apply that feedback and iterate in the ideas "nest".
What experience does your team have with nuturing/evaluating/developing ideas into reality and how does that experience translate into the execution of this product?
@gmurray We've all worked on products before that didn't make it as far as Hatchli has gotten (everything from IoT, healthcare, mobile, physical goods). We were really involved in the entrepreneurship scene in college, and we tackled this problem of early validation because it was something we had experienced ourselves and had seen way too many people around us experience.
@nugeen Got it. I could see using Hatchli to test the market on a pitch of an idea but not validate the actual value creation or delivery because of the format of the Hatchli post (Tinder-esque). And I'd be worried that the pitch would only be tested by the Hatchli user base which at this point I've got to imagine are early adopters from Product Hunt.
Love the simple and intuitive nature of the product. Hoping it retains it over time as I think there's a lot of value to come in this product and space.
Congrats on the launch! We've seen a few idea validation apps recently, like GoDaddy's Flare for example. Hatchli gets it right with its simple UI, messaging and networking features. I think there's definitely a need for this.. it's one thing to bounce ideas off your friends, but it really helps to get a lot of eyes on it. It'll be fun to see if this can even connect people who might want to work on a project together.
Looks cool, very creative and helping people brainstorm new innovative ideas together! Do you guys have plans to simulate existing products where people can start from (github for ideas)?
@adamkchew We do want to keep the app simple, as we're the first step in an idea's journey. Those are areas we're looking to explore in the future, however, and I'd love your feedback as to what you think would work or be helpful.
Pretty addictive. When I got early access a few weeks ago, I found myself getting to Hatchli Zero and checking back on the app every few hours for more content :) Definitely love seeing a product that captures the "wisdom of the crowds" with very rapid feedback. Big potential!
@rywalker Great to hear you enjoyed the beta! Hopefully there will be a lot more ideas for you to vote on after today! If you have a minute I'd be curious to see how you feel the web beta compares to the iOS version.