People work better when they are free to focus on what they enjoy most — forming relationships, thinking creatively, and solving problems. We let A.I. take care of the rest.
@tombielecki Thanks Tom - we're piloting for a bit, and then will tell you more. It will include real-time transcription, real-time response to non-verbal communication, automated meeting summaries. How would you like to see AI applied to Video Conferencing and Meetings?
I’m a bit biased because a friend is one of the founders here, but I’ve been using it and realllly appreciate the shared notes functionality, and ability to communally note under a pinned transcription.
@jhirshon Thanks Jonathan - we're piloting for a bit, and then will tell you more. It will include real-time transcription, real-time response to non-verbal communication, automated meeting summaries. How would you like to see AI applied to Video Conferencing and Meetings?
With more of us using Zoom and video calls as our main meeting format, improving it to be more human and productive is very welcome!
Headroom just raised a seed round of $5 million, excited to see what Headroom will offer in its first iteration.
As someone with ADHD, the prospect of being able to watch back a video call or watching back key points looks really promising.
@calum Thanks Calum - appreciate the interest. Watching videos of meetings in double time, or just searchable custom highlights of the interesting bits is my favorite way of catching up with Headroom. Happy to show you. Of course, then you need some of the in-meeting goodness to make sitting through slow meetings in real time better.
@robmcd86 Thanks Rob - we haven't worked out pricing yet. Are there any SaaS products that have worked out how to make it free for non-profits, but not for everyone?
Hi there, I am also curious about product specifics myself! Will the AI functionalities of real-time transcription, real-time response, etc be integrations over Zoom/Hangouts, etc or is Headroom piloting its own video conferencing tech with applied AI in place? Thanks!