
Heart Peace - Heart rate variability biofeedback meditation app

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Hi ProductHunt! I'm excited share this app I've been working on. Heart Peace is an iPhone app that coupled with a BLE heart rate monitor and headphones provides feedback in real time about how relaxed your are. The feedback is provided by measuring your cardiac coherence using heart rate variability analysis algorithms that determine your parasympathetic vs sympathetic nervous system activation. Therefore, a BLE heart rate monitor is required. The feedback is given by displaying an animation that resembles your inner state. The more you are focused in your breathing, the bigger, slower and green/blue the animation will be. Feedback is also presented using sounds so headphones are recommend, if you are not focused in your breathing you will hear a crowd sound but if you are focused in your breathing you will hear monks meditating and the more focused you are the deeper the sounds will be. To better focus on the breathing is advised to sit down, set the timer provided in the app and close you eyes to minimize distractions.