I think Blizzard really nailed their attempt at creating a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Heroes of the Storm really gives Valve's Dota 2 a run for its money, stripping away all the boring parts (last-hitting and personal leveling) to create super intense 15-minute battles.
However, I haven't had much experience playing other MOBAs, such as League of Legends or Heroes of Newerth. How do you guys think Heroes of the Storm stacks up to those?
I've tried to get into MOBAs in the past, starting with the original WC3 custom maps that birthed the genre. Heroes of the Storm is the first one I've actually really enjoyed. Removes the tedium, like last-hitting, and replaces items with a great talent system.
Heroes are more varied and mechanically more fun, in my opinion -- overall, the game just has more mechanical creativity than others in the genre and it works great.
Definitely worth a try.
This is my favorite MOBA on the market currently. I love the way the game works, insofar that it encourages teamwork in a more obvious way so people can understand it easier. I've found less toxicity here in HotS then in other MOBAs, which have initially turned me off from them.
I'm interested to see where this goes in the future. I almost want to not see any competitive community come to this game just because I feel like it's so relaxing, going pro with it would ruin part of the fun. Overall, a great game though.
Yala Bella